Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Blog.

Has everyone lost interest in the site?  This is the lowest hits that I have had in many months.  Please let me know that someone is out there reading what I put out.






You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"


Friday, July 27, 2007

Homeland Security Funds LED Light Saber...

By Ryan Singel

The Department of Homeland Security is funding the creation an LED flashlight that uses powerful flashes of light to temporarily blind, disorient and incapacitate people. Homeland Security's Science and Technology arm hopes government agents can use the "light saber" to arrest people on planes and at the borders without using traditional weapons.

The LED Incapacitator uses a range-finder to measure the distance to a target's eyes and then unleashes continually changing, multi-color light pulses that both blind and disorient the person. Intelligent Optical Systems, a small company in Torrance, CA, is developing the weapon with money from Homeland Security's Science and Technology division, which thinks its possible to have the weapon deployed to cops, National Guard troops and border agents by 2010.

The company's president Bob Lieberman says the tool would be perfect for confronting border jumpers."You don't want to hurt or kill them, just take them into custody," Lieberman was quoted as saying by a DHS newsletter. "With this, they don't need to know English to comply."

The tool could be scaled up to make a light bazooka that could subdue a crowd, but the company is focusing on miniaturizing the device to make it resemble a traditional D-cell Maglite. Right now the prototype is a non-svelte 15 inches by 4 inches wide.

But first the company's chief scientist Vladimir Rubtsov wants to discover more powerful patterns and colors, which he'll get this fall with tests on volunteers at Penn State University's Institute for Nonlethal Defense Technology.
"There's one wavelength that gets everybody," Lieberman said, according to the newsletter. "Vlad calls it the evil color."

THREAT LEVEL can only wonder how long will it be until war protesters and Rio Grande swimmers start wearing reflective clothing?

I wonder if Lucas said that they could use the term Light Saber? Can someone say copyright?

What is your opinion?

Web Trend Map 2007

This is the Legend of the map.

This is the top left corner of Web Trend Map 2007 Version 2. It's based on the Japanese subway system. The creators are Information Architects, a Japan-based design agency.

They took the top 200 tech (definitely tech) sites and placed them along subway lines. The lines are used to group together similar services. For example along the blue Community line there's Facebook, Xing (think European Linkedin), Vox and LinkedIn. Each one also has a weather forecast and an incremental web number. The more suns and less clouds represent a positive prediction about a site's future.

I had to smile at the fun the Information Architects had. Here is some of the Tokyo symbolism that they put into the map:

1.Google has moved from Shibuya, a humming place for young people, to Shinjuku, a suspicious, messy, Yakuza-controlled, but still a pretty cool place to hang out (Golden Gaya).
2.Youtube has conquered Shibuya.
3.Microsoft has moved to Ikebukuro, if you know what I mean.
4.Yahoo is in Ueno, a nice place but nothing going on there.

This link is a very sweet site with hyperlinks on the site.
Go to it and try some.

Thanks to iA for this material.

Little to Big comparison...

Big = Radar, is a Belgian draught horse with his own big claim to fame - as the Worlds Tallest Living Horse. Radar, at 6ft 71/2in from hoof to shoulder, is from Mount Pleasant, Texas.
At 2,400lb, he has a giant appetite to match, putting away 20 gallons of water a day and 18lb of grain.

Little = 17 inches, the miniature brown mare known as Thumbelina takes pride in the lofty title of the World's Smallest Living Horse. Thumbelina, who weighs 4st 9lb, was born on a farm in St Louis, Missouri. She eats two cups of grain and a handful of hay each day.
What is your opinion?


I will have several stories up here tonight. I hope to see you back…





You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another Panorama Shot...

I made this usin g Panorama Maker 3.0
Very good prog.
What is your opinion?

This Week..

It has been a boring week. We joined a gym and I have ridden 22 miles on the stationary bikes. I was doing the cardio workout program on the bike. I would ride for 30 minutes and try to get 11 miles. That meant less than a 2.5 minute mile and I would get my heart rate to 147 bpm.  That was the target. I was able to achieve that.  I am also working out for my back to strengthen it up by doing dead lifts.  I do 4 sets of 10 at 100 lbs and then 2 sets of 10 at 110 lbs.  So I am sore today. I took the night off, but I think that I am going in the morning before I have to sleep to get ready for work for the weekend.  Also, my Grandparents and Uncle are coming out here!  They start driving on Saturday and will get here on Sunday. I can’t wait to see them!! Well, have a good evening…




What have I done

What lies I have told

I've played games with the ones that

rescued my soul

Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things  - A - Ha   1986


MP3 Mix

Here is the link that should work correctly.

Just Right Click and "save as"

What is your opinion?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A small mix i did...

I did this mix about 2 years ago. Go and get it at this URL:

I do not normally self promote, but the few people that have listened to it, liked it.

It is called: Dj Renigade - Latenight Into The 21st Century (Take 3.3.1 Final)
65 minutes of samples and music. I will not post a track listing as i think that most of you will know the songs!!


What is your opinion?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

poor LiLo...Awhhh

Very Classy Act!!!

Good Look for Her!!!

Lindsay Lohan won't be appearing on "The Tonight Show" this evening, the late-night chat show got the next best thing -- Rob Schneider in drag!
What is your opinion?

Celebrities??? Role Models???

A real world commentary...

What is it with our fascination with these people? Why do we follow their lives? What power do they have over us? They do not have any on me! To me, they are just normal people, not to be idolized. Let us look at some of them. Most of them did not finish High School or even have a college degree. Therefore, to say that they are role models is not hitting the mark for our children.

Wow, Mom, I want to be like Brittany Aguilera and make it big in the music business; a little girl might say at age 10 or 11 perhaps. What a dream it is, because that is just it, a dream. Most kids grow up to become productive members of society and have a family, job, and home just like their parents do, not some nut job that shows her private parts or strips down to bra and panties to go swimming swarmed by the media.

It scares me to think that my daughter once wanted to be like one of them. With role models like Hilton, Spears, Lohan, just to name a few; who needs nightmares? These women and I use the term loosely, could be a very good force in young girls futures by doing things the right way, but instead, they choose to be sluts and addicts and with the media coverage, every little girl gets to see just how the rich and powerful act; with no regard for actions and how it effects others. Mindless debauchery with drug filled sex oriented nights on tape no less. We have all had times where we acted not so well, but we grew up and got over it. I for one feel they they will never.

Therefore, I challenge you as parents and families to not let your children idolize these people. It is good to have dreams and if one so chooses, to be an actor or singer, but get an education because the chances of making it big are not very good. We are so consumed with these famous people that we use this as medicine for the lives that we lead. Most are so dumbded down by the media that they live for the next big star to fall or get in a fight or make a surprise visit to the big Hollywood hot spot. It is time to wake up and view these people for what they are, just normal people, well at least most of them.

Wake up people, live your own life, and do not worry what the Johnsons are doing across the street. Most of the actors and actresses live in a dream world that they created with their money, not in reality that you or I live in. I for one cannot afford to go into court with a high priced attorney and get out of jail free. It just pisses me off to no ends… I guess that what they say is true. We follow these people to not have to deal with our own lives. Celebrity gossip is the opiate for the masses.

What is your opinion?

How Stupid Can You Be?? Dumbass Award!!!


I mean really...

Arrested again on Drug and Alcohol possession just 2 weeks after being let out of rehab.

She had everything going for her and much like many of her peers, she is going into the shitter very quick!!

This is not stuff that i generally get into, but this deserves a post!!

The Associated Press
SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- The troubled saga of Lindsay Lohan took another dangerous turn early Tuesday when police booked her for drunken driving and cocaine possession after a frightened woman dialed 911 to report being chased by Lohan's SUV. Less than two weeks out of rehab, with another drunk driving case pending, Lohan had a blood-alcohol level of between .12 and .13 percent when police found her about 1:30 a.m., Sgt. Shane Talbot said.

Is she trying to be another Anna Nicole Smith? Does she want to spend the next 3-5 years in jail? I am sure that she will get another slap on the wrist because of her money, but she needs a good Kick In The ASS if you ask me!! She might make it into jail and that would be a good slap in the face and a reality check. Hilton had to go and Lohan does not have near the amount of money that she does. But with a father like she has and a hard partying mother, what do you expect?? They get too much money and fame at an early age without the maturity or guidance to have access to it...

What a good Roll Model for young girls that want to be "just like her."

What is your opinion?

My Firend...Charles Story.

We have been friends since the early 1980s. He and his Grandmother rented an apartment that my Grandparents owned in cool Kirbyville Texas many years ago. We had some wild times together and many adventures!

As times passes like it always does; people move away from their town. I live in Virginia and Charles "Chuck" now lives in Athens Georgia.

This is his current story:

I started in 1996 training brazilian jiu jitsu and have since traveled all over the United States and trained / taught at several academies. I have trained with several UFC, WEC, Pride, and various small organization NHB fighters. I train under Gracie Barra which is led by Carlinhos Gracie, the son of Carlos Gracie. Gracie Barra is one of the most successful organizations in the world and has many champions.

I teach BJJ and NHB in Carrollton, GA. and also train at Gracie Barra Holly Springs, and Gracie Barra Douglasville. At this time I am training with NHB fighter Blake Bowman whom is a up and coming fighter, together we run Tudo Bem BJJ, an affiliate of GracieBarra North Shore. I have a 22-8 record and currently hold a purple belt in BJJ.
What is your opinion?

Monday, July 23, 2007

A Question for everyone...

What is your opinion?

Please answer the Poll Questions.


Rear WIndow Problems

The right side 1/3 rear window was broken out. I went to A Auto body to have it replaced, thinking that just the little window could be fixed. Boy was i wrong!

I found that the window is called Encapsulated Glass. Meaning that the whole window has to be replaced. I went to several other glass companies to see if the little window could be replaced and it could not. I had to file with my insurance as the price for OEM or Aftermarket Glass was very expensive. Therefore, i had to file.

I went with A- Auto body as they did a good job for em before. I got all the paperwork set up and placed my truck in the shop. I received a call from the owner saying that Safelite who handles all the glass claims for Nationwide would not allow an OEM piece of glass to be used and that i had to use an aftermarket one. The owner told me that they have had several aftermarket back glass windows not fit correctly. I did not want a leaky truck.

There was my dilemma. I went with A Auto body as the are a "Blue Ribbon" partner with Nationwide Insurance, or a preferred shop. I had to switch to another shop that was not in the "Blue Ribbon" network that would and could use OEM parts in the truck as opposed to a "partner" that was bound by the stipulations of the Safelite contract.

The moral of this story is to check with your insurance company and their partners as to what parts will/can be used to fix your vehicle. I have no fault with A Auto body as they allowed my truck to stay at their shop and let the other glass company come and fix the back window. Always check to see what is allowed with your insurance.
What is your opinion?

More Stunts...

Bike Stuff 013, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Mark attempting another stunt on Bell Isle. I call this place "Flat Rock Park" as you can only access it via the foot bridge over the James River. This area is really awsome to ride on and walk around. This is also part of the Buttermilk Trail System.


Bike Stuff 022, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Mark trying a stunt on the Green Trail at Pocahontas Park.

Buttermilk Trail System...

Bike Stuff 003, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Me at Buttermilk Trails on the South Side of the James River.

Ready For Action!!!!

Bike Stuff 017, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I am on the Green Trail in Pocahontas State Park. This was taken on Sunday. We rode the Red Trail and then we wanted to "warm-down" and went on the Green trail.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pocahontas State Park this morning

We did the Red and Green Trail. All total, we rode 8.3 miles today. All total this weekend we have ridden 18 miles!! I have some pics that i will put up later today.

What is your opinion?

Ambient Massive: The Nuance Of Inclusion Ep

If you want to Purchase any of my music(s), Please go to New 2 song EP from Ambient Massive with Dj Renigad...