Thursday, July 26, 2007

This Week..

It has been a boring week. We joined a gym and I have ridden 22 miles on the stationary bikes. I was doing the cardio workout program on the bike. I would ride for 30 minutes and try to get 11 miles. That meant less than a 2.5 minute mile and I would get my heart rate to 147 bpm.  That was the target. I was able to achieve that.  I am also working out for my back to strengthen it up by doing dead lifts.  I do 4 sets of 10 at 100 lbs and then 2 sets of 10 at 110 lbs.  So I am sore today. I took the night off, but I think that I am going in the morning before I have to sleep to get ready for work for the weekend.  Also, my Grandparents and Uncle are coming out here!  They start driving on Saturday and will get here on Sunday. I can’t wait to see them!! Well, have a good evening…




What have I done

What lies I have told

I've played games with the ones that

rescued my soul

Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things  - A - Ha   1986


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