Friday, January 26, 2007

Off time...

Well, this weekend is some much needed downtime. I slept in until 11:15 this morning and got out of bed. I am listening to some good "psytrance" from a band called Symphonix. This music would have sounded good at a club in Beaumont Texas called "The Palladium" They had a killer soundsystem with a very awesome light show!!

It is very cold here today and it is not going to get out of the 30s. But tomorrow it will be like 50, BIG temperature change tomorrow. but then back cold by next week.
Thankx to for the weather forecast. Their site is very good if you want to know about our local news.

You know when you need to get tires, but you don't have the time? For one thing, my tires for my Toyota Tacoma are a very strange size: P256/65R17 and most places do not carry that size on hand.

Well, We ordered tires online from Wal*Mart and i am still waiting for them. IT is the 26th of January and my sticker goes out on February 1. I hope that the tires come in soon so i can get them and then get my car inspected. I have over 44,000 miles on my old set. I think that i have gotten the good out of them!

Well, more later. i think that i will post about and make a few pics of my different types of house plants that i have.


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Thursday, January 25, 2007

A difference in language....

To borrow this from, We, I mean me, has never heard this word before used like this. We do not get many sayings here that I have ever heard of. Here is the link to this article. It is funny to hear what other people from around the world say to common situations here in the USA that we face everyday.

How other people see and refer to things is very funny to me. I am on several mailing lists that have lots of European persons on there and sometimes, they use slang that we have never heard. They will if asked to, explain what it means. So, this is a very interesting bit of trivia.

CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australians love their muffin tops -- but not the kind you buy from a bakery.

The arbiter of Australian English, the Macquarie Dictionary, has declared "muffin top" the word of the year for 2006 -- even though it is two words -- defeating "affluenza", a noun that describes dissatisfaction with consumerism.

The dictionary defines "Muffin top" as a colloquial noun that refers to the fold of fat around the midriff which spills over the top of tight-fitting pants or skirts on the overweight.

"The vivid imagery of this word with its sense of playfulness and the fact that it is an Australianism made it the clear winner," the judges said.

Judges Gavin Brown and Stephen Garton, both professors at Sydney University, and Dictionary publisher Susan Butler said "muffin top" had spread globally due to the popular TV comedy Kath and Kim, which pokes fun at suburban life Down Under.

The victory for "muffin top" came after it was shortlisted for the 2005 American Dialect Society's most creative word, only to lose out to "whale tail" - the bit of a g-string, or thong, that shows above the waistband at the back of pants or skirts.”





This weekend.

It is going to be VERY cold here. The high temp will be around 34 degrees on Friday!!  BURRR!!!   I might try to get some biking in also, but we will see.  Everyone around my house has been sick, Chelsea and Kaylan are both sick. Chel has a sinus infection and Kaylan has strep!   I just hope that we don't get that bad virus that is going around.  The doctors said that the " flu" season is very late, so we have that to look forward to as well...
Winter is the worst time for getting sick...
The warm temps in your house keep the bugs going around and around. You have to keep the house closed up and that is a bad thing. It would be nice to be able to let your house open up and get a breath of fresh air, but alas, that does not happen much during the winter.  The best thing to do is to wash your sheets/cloths regularly and use lots of disinfectant if someone is sick.
Just a few health tips from Bob's Thoughts...


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pics of the James river and stuff...

I took these last summer and I would like to get a very cool night shot of Richmond Downtown at night. These pics are of the "foot bridge" that goes across the James. The bridge goes to Belle Isle.

Under the bridge, The James has class 4 & 5 rapids!! What a crazy place to go and try rapids. I would like to do that this summer. SO here are a few pics from that location. The area is known as the “best urban whitewater” in the US. No other city in the US has class IV rapids within its city limits. I would love to do this during the summer! My friend, Mark has also told me that he is interested in doing this as well.

There are some really neat things to do in downtown Richmond.
The Canal Walk
Browns Island
The Canal Walk goes about 1.5 miles threw the city with historic points of interest to read about. Browns Island has many concerts and festivals during the summer months.

The train track goes right over the river in a few places. Here is a neat pic.
Under that track, kids go swimming during the summer and also swing off that track. I might go swimming there this summer with my daughter and wife...

There are also some great biking parks along the James River. We have done part of the Buttermilk Trail, but my bike got a flat tire. It is some very difficult ridding in that park. We hope to go back soon. I think that we are very fortunate in that we have all of there activities in our city!!

Well more later...

Monday, January 22, 2007

Spanking of Children...TO Whip or Not To Whip?

"The bill, backed by Democrat Sally Lieber of San Francisco, a member of the state legislature, would outlaw spanking children three years old or younger and carry a possible penalty of jail time or a 1,000-dollar fine."

""I think it's pretty hard to argue you need to beat a child three years old or younger," said Lieber, who plans to introduce the bill next week."

here is a link to the whole story.

In my opinion, this bleeding heart liberal Demoncrat should be taken out and whipped with a belt!! and it would come from someone from California...

I was whipped as a child and i do not think that i was scarred for life from it. I know it was a different time and that was discipline, but we got whipped and then grounded. I think that is a Major problem with our children today. They are not disciplined and as such do not know or respect authority. I got whipped in school and i did not make the same mistake again. I remember the few times that i got whipped and i needed it because i was acting like a smart ass and my grandfather busted my but. I never made that same mistake again. i learned from it.

I see nothing wrong with having to whip my child. They make it as if everyone is out there beating their kids, that is not the case. A quick swat on the fanny or hand will make anyone take notice especially if they are 3-4 years old. But to make it a crime?? Come on!! IF we pass this, then the government can pass outer suck laws like when we can watch TV or read a book or mandatory attending of niceness classes. We do not need the government getting into the personal lives with laws...

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Work, Life, and Living...

Well, today I was really tired and I did not want to get up out of bed at 5am. It is a very cold morning and we are going to get some ice and sleet today and tonight.

It has been a very long journey to get me where I am today. I, we, started off in Texas. My wife and I went to school together. We did not date or associate with each other, but we knew of one another. Fast forward. I graduated in 1989 and she in 1988. I ran into her in the year 2000 back in out hometown of Jasper at a bar in the woods called Solley's Discotheque. Really, it was in a filed with a cattle-guard to cross over. We kind of new each other, but we got to talking and reacquainted. We started to date. She lived in Houston and I was living at the lake. I was offered a job in Indiana and I moved there during the fall. We broke up, but decided to get back together and date. I was let go by the company and I had to move back to Texas. She flew up to Indiana and helped me pack my stuff and move back.

So she and I continue to date and fell in love as they say, she in Houston and I at the lake once again. This time, her company closed her office and she was offered a job in Austin Texas. She accepted and we decided to move in together. This was about summer of 2001. We lived in Austin for about 2 years and we got married on December 21, 2002. We were married in Jasper at a church that her cousin was the preacher and her grandfather had built. I went back to college and knocked out a year of AutoCAD and electronic design. By late spring 2003, she found a job in Denver Colorado. It would be a great promotion for her and I encouraged her to accept, So off we went to Highlands Ranch Colorado.

We were in corporate housing for 3 months and then we got in our house. It was nice and we loved it. We had good neighbors and a very good church. Sondra got wind of a promotion in Massachusetts; it would be a good career move for her. We hated to leave Colorado, it was soo beautiful, but we did...

Massachusetts was a whole different beast. Very hot summers, cold winters, no creature comforts like we had in Colorado, I.E. Rec Center, swimming pools, that sort of stuff. We lived in Gardner Mass, in the "alpine" region, about 40 miles North West of Worcester. We had a ski mountain about 20 minuets from our house. That was a good thing. I felt like we were wondering in the desert for 40 years like Moses while we lived there. What made it livable was our little haven, our cul-de-sac with 7 other families. We all lived in new houses with big yards. It was kind of isolated from the rest of the degradation of the city. The bad side about it was Sondra was 62 miles from Boston, where her office was located. She had a 2.5 hour commute and parking was very expensive.

We were living and learning, I had a good job with a company I liked and she loved her job even with the long hours away from home. Her company had other plans and decided to close her region and that would put her out of a job or displace her. She looked around at different jobs at different places, but if she started over, she would loose her tenure and all vacation time that she had amassed. She took the job here in Richmond, her company’s corporate office and that is how we ended up here...

More to come later

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Today at work...

WELL, what a day! Our FAB had an evacuation at ~5am this morning and we were not allowed to go back into the unit till 3pm. That was only for technicians and we had to be in pairs. The fumes were very strong at 3pm and we got our errors cleared and we left!

The spill started in Litho and wet from there to Wets. There was a blocked drain line and backed up and spilled all over the sub-FAB. The fums were so strong that a person got taken to the hospital.

We just sat around and did what we could using our computers and keeping all of our group informed. Finally at around 6pm, they told us that they were going to bring up the bays and that we needed to be in the FAB to oversea the automation process. All went well, the system was a little lagged with the dumping of the bays, but we had no errors while we were in the fab...

What an interesting day.

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...