Thursday, October 12, 2006


Well it seams that we are going to get our first real blast of cold air this weekend. It is going to be into the upper 30s on Saturday morning and only in the 60s during the weekend. I cant wait because, cold means snow skiing this season. Wintergreen here I come!!!




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif



Sunday, October 08, 2006

Virginia State Fair.

Well, we got to go today after a failed attempt yesterday due to weather.  We had over 5.5 inches of rain since Thursday night!!!  My yard is looking GOOD!!!  The fair was good, but I did not think that it was as good as the South Texas State Fair in Beaumont or the Star of Texas Fair/Rodeo in Austin. I figured for a state fair, it should have been better and bigger. I start back on shift tomorrow night…


More l8ter.




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif



Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Constitution of the United States 2.0

I just saw this on a web article. I thought that some of yall might enjoy this...

The Constitution of the United States 2.0
By Devilstower 09/30/2006 10:06:13 PM EST

As there have lately been so many changes to the basic functioning of the United States -- a shift of powers here, a whittling away of rights there, it seems a good time to issue a revised version of the basic operating document. This is the real Republican Contract with America.
We the Republicans of the United States, in Order to prevent any challenge to our continued Supremacy, free ourselves from the Confines of Justice, placate the Tranquil masses, degrade the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of War Profiteering for ourselves and our Friends, do ordain and establish Constitution 2.0 for the United States of America.

ARTICLE ISection 1
All legislative Powers are hereby ceded to the Executive branch, though the Congress will still make a Grand Noise and wave their arms as if they give a Damn.

Section 2
The House of Representatives will consist of those best able to Lick the Boots of the Lobbyists and Corporations lining their pockets.
No one can be a Representative unless Fox News says that he is a Patriotic American,
Representation shall be apportioned based on numbers of people willing to Pay for the Privilege. The actual Enumeration shall be made whenever it is of benefit to Republicans.
Representatives will choose a Speaker and other Officers by how willing these Officers are to turn a blind eye to the Crimes of Republicans and how Loudly they will Declare the Daily Talking Points.

Section 3
The Senate shall... oh hell, just see Section 1.
The Vice President shall be President of the Senate and can use any Four Letter Word he wants in talking to Senators, so F-You, Leahy.

Section 4
Elections will be held whenever Diebold is prepared to provide the Right Results.

Section 5
Each House shall make a mockery of policing itself and shall be free to throw out all the Democrats they want, but Republicans who engage in Pederasty shall be protected.

Section 6
Republican Senators and Representatives will enjoy a Revolving Door of organizations who pay for votes, and give them jobs any time they are taking a break.

Section 7
The House and Senate shall apply a large Rubber Stamp to every suggestion issued by the President.

Section 8
The House shall raise all the taxes they want on the poor and middle-class so long as they leave the Rich alone.
The Congress will dodge all responsibility for decisions on War.

Section 9
The rules of Immigration shall be set in a way that protects Republican majorities.

Section 2
The President can wear any uniform he wants and pretend to fly planes.

Section 3
The President and the Congress should split some beers now and then, but he doesn't have to invite any Democrats.

Section 4
Having sex is a good Reason to get rid of a President. Lying, being Incompetent, Wasting Billions, and getting Thousands of Americans Killed, is fine.

This Article was full of that Judge stuff, so we just took it out.

We can declare any place we want part of the United States so they can call their stuff "Made in the USA," but don't go thinking they get representation.

Amendments to the Constitution will only be for Really Important Stuff, like how scared we are of Homos and Foreign People.

You can ignore any part of this Constitution if it gets in the way of Profit or something that gets Republicans elected.

People are supposed to be afraid all the Time, otherwise they do too damn much Thinking.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

..."On the night shift..."

Well my friends, I have come to the conclusion that I like working nights. it is less busy and you can do your work and not have to worry about all the political crap that is associated with the day shift. Although, my fate as it is seems to be undecided, on which shift I will ultimately end up on is not concluded; I can only hope that it will be for the best of me and the company. More later as details are disclosed.

Good night and good luck - Edward R. Murrow

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Yard Work...

Well, it started over 2 weeks ago. I lowered my lawn mower and cut the crass very low to get it ready for the aerator that myself and 2 other neighbors were renting. Last weekend, we went and got the machine and I proceeded to aerator my lawn, WHAT A TASK in the front. The hill from hell was very tough!! On the flipside, the back and side yards were nothing. After I was through using the machine, my back was killing me!! I did not drop the seed and lime on the yard that day because of the chance of strong storms. I did not want the rain to wash all of my seeds off the lawn. I waited until today and proceeded to do it this morning, by afternoon, we had a cool front come through and it rained like crazy!! I hope that all my seeds did not was down the hill to the road. I will have to see if it happened...

I welcome Comments to my BLOG.




"To open the eternal worlds, to

open the immortal eyes Of man

Inwards, into the worlds of thought, into Eternity". ITN




Sunday, September 24, 2006

Disney or Dusmney?

I flip through the TV channels that we have on our TV and I stop sometimes and just wonder about the number of show that are directed at tweens and young teens. There are any number of them and in my opinion; they are very dumming and demeaning to me and everyone’s intelligence. I watched cartoons as a child and I sneak in one every so often, but I think that they were more straight forward about their content. Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows are very child like and have no substance, only fodder for kids to stay inside and be dummed by their talking down to and ridiculous content. I’ll admit that some have a few redeeming qualities, but most in my opinion, aren’t suitable for a 3 year old much less a 13-14 year old young person. They play 24-7 on those two channels. I personally take offense to they way that they portray young adults and tweens to the millions of viewers. My daughter loves to watch them and it bothers me that she is so wrapped up in them. What to do? Am I just too old to enjoy a tween show such as She’s So Raven with my daughter or am I on to something?



Ambient Massive - There Is Grace In Their Feelings

. Instruments used were: Kurzweil 2000vx Microfreak' Maschine 2 Wavestate Deepmind 12 Virus Ti2 Monotron and various VSTi synths. Releas...