Sunday, September 24, 2006

Disney or Dusmney?

I flip through the TV channels that we have on our TV and I stop sometimes and just wonder about the number of show that are directed at tweens and young teens. There are any number of them and in my opinion; they are very dumming and demeaning to me and everyone’s intelligence. I watched cartoons as a child and I sneak in one every so often, but I think that they were more straight forward about their content. Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows are very child like and have no substance, only fodder for kids to stay inside and be dummed by their talking down to and ridiculous content. I’ll admit that some have a few redeeming qualities, but most in my opinion, aren’t suitable for a 3 year old much less a 13-14 year old young person. They play 24-7 on those two channels. I personally take offense to they way that they portray young adults and tweens to the millions of viewers. My daughter loves to watch them and it bothers me that she is so wrapped up in them. What to do? Am I just too old to enjoy a tween show such as She’s So Raven with my daughter or am I on to something?




  1. TV is certainly a powerful tool to send propaganda, lies, etc to control the masses.

  2. Found this interesting link on the subject:


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