Thursday, September 28, 2006

Yard Work...

Well, it started over 2 weeks ago. I lowered my lawn mower and cut the crass very low to get it ready for the aerator that myself and 2 other neighbors were renting. Last weekend, we went and got the machine and I proceeded to aerator my lawn, WHAT A TASK in the front. The hill from hell was very tough!! On the flipside, the back and side yards were nothing. After I was through using the machine, my back was killing me!! I did not drop the seed and lime on the yard that day because of the chance of strong storms. I did not want the rain to wash all of my seeds off the lawn. I waited until today and proceeded to do it this morning, by afternoon, we had a cool front come through and it rained like crazy!! I hope that all my seeds did not was down the hill to the road. I will have to see if it happened...

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"To open the eternal worlds, to

open the immortal eyes Of man

Inwards, into the worlds of thought, into Eternity". ITN




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