Saturday, October 06, 2007

In the News...

According to an article on Yahoo.
Top 10 worst places to meet someone new after a split:
10. Laundromat (if a person doesn't have his/her own washer and dryer by now or live in place that has a laundry room, that could be very telling)
9. A bar where divorced singles congregate
8. Your attorney's office lobby (the other divorcee you are suddenly attracted to needs time to "unpack" his/her baggage)
7. The water cooler at work
6. Parking garage
5. Anger management class
4. Alcoholics Anonymous
3. Fast food restaurant
2. In the car next to you
1. Jail

Top 10 best places to meet someone new after a split:
10. Your best friend's wedding (it doesn't matter how many he/she has had)
9. Headquarters of your favorite political candidate
8. Your local home improvement or hardware store (women can never find what they need, so the men cruising the aisles are easy recruits for assistance)
7. Your personal trainer's studio
6. Someone else's office, not yours
5. On a ski lift
4. Through a reputable dating service that is known for finding perfect matches
3. Self-help seminar for those who have recently broken up
2. Your place of worship
1. Sting concert (people of all ages attend them)

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