Friday, December 22, 2006


I am at work and all i can think about is going to Texas for Christmas to see our family.  we leave on Christmas Day and will return on the 31st as i have to work on the 1st of January, 2007.  This year has just flown by me.  It is also nice, i might add, to have been able to stay in a house for a WHOLE year!!!   No moving for us this time around!!  Chelsea is 13 and we promised her that we will stay put until she graduates!!
In Texas, we have to see a lot of people in a short time!!  All of my Wife's family, all of my family, a few friends and several other people.  We are gonna pop fireworks in the night of the 29th as that is when we are having Christmas with my maternals.  I love me some fireworks!!!  Well i will try to post more before i go to Texas.

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