Monday, August 28, 2006


How do we know that we person that we are with is the correct person? Is it a feeling? I have been with my wife for 6+ years. I know that I am not the easiest person to live with and that we have had some hard times, but through it all, she has been at my side. Are we put with someone by God? or is is purely by chance? I have known Sondra for nearly 20 years. We both went to Jasper High School but we did not hang out or associate with eachother. IT wasn't until about the year 2000 that we ran into eachother back in Jasper that we started talking. Was it fate that we "found" eachother at that time in our lives?

I think that it has so far been a great saga, one of rebirth and healing, that is still unfolding as we speak. We have been all over the counrty together and through it all, raising a beautiful daughter/stepdaughter together. We have had some adventures and some sorrowful times as well, the loss of her Dad and the loss of my Stepfather. But, through it all, we have made it! I am at present, embarking on the most important job interview with Qimonda Semiconductors this morning, It is my make/break interview for this position. Wish me luck!!

I know that divorce happens in this life, that couples grow apart, but I do not want this to happen and I will try my best to make it not. I love her and my daughter with all my heart, but is love always enough? Compatibility is a major factor within any marriage or perhaps incompatibility is a major factor in divorce...

I a person is able to know love, even for a little while, it is a good thing. Like a live from a DR. Strange when his lover leaves and goes back to her world, "It is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all"

Have a good day and God Bless!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I don't know. I just we just go through life with the questions or when we start questioning ourselves move on.....


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