Friday, July 07, 2006

WORK @ UVA JPJ Arena this week...

These are pictures of me working nearly 100 feet above the ground at the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, VA Where i have been working for the last 2 months. I was pulling wire for the window treatments on the upper tier of the arena. The picture does not do justice to the lenght of the span of windows. it is over 100 feet long across them. I was tied off to a life-line and crawling around on a 4 foot wide window ledge made of sheetrock!! The photo of me and the other person is my boss that i work with. I was just glad that it was cloudy weather as it would be hotter than all get out on those East facing windows. We are just about through with this job and i will be working in Culpepper Virginia for the next several weeks. I am tired and need to get some sleep tonight as i am working all weekend.


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