Friday, February 29, 2008

[Flickr] Schmap Richmond Fourth Edition: Photo Inclusion

My Photo was chosen for the Guide!!! 

Subject: [Flickr] Schmap Richmond Fourth Edition: Photo Inclusion

You've been sent a Flickr Mail from Emma J. Williams:


:: Schmap Richmond Fourth Edition: Photo Inclusion

Hi Robert,

I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo
has been selected for inclusion in the newly released
fourth edition of our Schmap Richmond Guide:

Tobacco Company Club

If you like the guide and have a website, blog or personal
page, then please also check out the customizable
widgetized versions of our Schmap Richmond Guide, complete
with your published photo:

Thanks so much for letting us include your photo - please
enjoy the guide!

Best regards,

Emma Williams,
Managing Editor, Schmap Guides


The Flickr Team


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thought for today...

We live our lives in relation to what Thomas Keating calls 'the false self,' the self created and conferred by culture. pg116 'The Heart of Christianity' 2003 Marcus J. Borg Posted via my LGVX8600 phone.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Congress's Business?

Roger Clemens? Gas? War?  Steroids?  What the hell are we electing our Congressmen for?  Who really gives a big rat’s ass about him using or not using “enhancement drugs” while playing baseball. I mean come the hell on!!  We are at WAR for God’s sake and they are worrying about steroid use.  Gas is spiraling out of control with the big gas companies turning the biggest profits with analysts predicting $4 a gallon this summer ever and Congress is worried about baseball? How will we ever get to the game?  Why are they so concerned? They are a bunch of crooks and liars themselves yet we re-elect them every 4 years.  Clemens is a professional athlete and he gave a good show for the fans. They paid him millions of dollars to do it.  Just because someone got pissed and “blew the whistle” on the practice that has gone on for numerous years, doesn't facilitate the need for Congress to get involved. If the Baseball Commissioner, Bud Selig, cant police his men how do we expect Congress to?  Get a new commissioner that can do the job. What a huge pile of shit if you ask me.


 Let the congressmen and women get back to things that really matter and get the hell out of baseball.  This nation has so lost its way in the governmental department it is just amazing.  Baseball? For all of the waste of public money this had cost the public; what good can come out of it. People go to watch a live game for the thrill and to root for their team and see a good show! What is next? Congress regulating how loud Rock Concerts should be and how long they can play? IT just amazes me about how misguided The USA has become. “Playing tonight, The National Congressional Baseball Team, Steroid Free as House Bill BR549 Mandates.”


What a monumental waste of my money…




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Turning Ten - Billy Collins

If you are like me, you can relate to this poem. I saw it in a book by Marcus Borg "The Heart of Christianity"
Here it is:
On Turning Ten
  The whole idea of it makes me feel
like I'm coming down with something,
something worse than any stomach ache
or the headaches I get from reading in bad light--
a kind of measles of the spirit,
a mumps of the psyche,
a disfiguring chicken pox of the soul.

You tell me it is too early to be looking back,
but that is because you have forgotten
the perfect simplicity of being one
and the beautiful complexity introduced by two.
But I can lie on my bed and remember every digit.
At four I was an Arabian wizard.
I could make myself invisible
by drinking a glass of milk a certain way.
At seven I was a soldier, at nine a prince.

But now I am mostly at the window
watching the late afternoon light.
Back then it never fell so solemnly
against the side of my tree house,
and my bicycle never leaned against the garage
as it does today,
all the dark blue speed drained out of it.

This is the beginning of sadness, I say to myself,
as I walk through the universe in my sneakers.
It is time to say good-bye to my imaginary friends,
time to turn the first big number.

It seems only yesterday I used to believe
there was nothing under my skin but light.
If you cut me I could shine.
But now when I fall upon the sidewalks of life,
I skin my knees. I bleed.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Weekend Bike Ride...

Yesterday we rode Lakeview 1&2 again and ended up with 12.45 miles total. After the ride, my legs were destroyed!  My calf muscles and quads are sore as well as my knees.  It was the perfect temp for a ride as it was about 45 degrees.

Have a good evening…




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Humans – Chock Full of Vitamins and Other Essential Nutrients

Thanks to Mac for letting me post this!

Humans – Chock Full of Vitamins and Other Essential Nutrients

In Hawaii a tiger took a walk on the mild side last week, escaping its catdominium and strolling around the human parts of the zoo, checking out the sights, maybe taking a few snapshots, and looking for a snack.

This follows another escape by a tiger in a San Francisco zoo on Christmas Day, a back-to-nature event in which one man was killed near a snack bar. One imagines the survivors running and screaming in fear while text-messaging on their cell 'phones and chugging bottled water.

And then the souvenirs: "I Survived the San Francisco Tiger Massacre" and "My Parents Watched a Guy Get Eaten by a Tiger and All I Got Was This Lousy tee-shirt."

Many people question how big cats can escape their enclosure, but the real question should be why cats bother to do so. In the zoo tigers spend their days lying around in the sun while being given free medical care, free housing, and free food according to their dietary wants and needs, and occasionally eating some of their benefactors. Give them a holy book they can't even read and their lives would be pretty much complete. The reader may now deconstruct the metaphor for himself.

Hundreds of television viewers hundred of miles from any zoo are probably filing disability claims, suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome involving nightcats, and thus unable to work. O Lord, send Thy grief counselors among us.

What, exactly, is a grief counselor? Is that what we used to call a busy-body?

The smart tiger will lurk at the updated watering hole, the bottled-water machine, waiting for its thirsty prey.

Unfortunately, PETA members are out of their cages too, terribly concerned lest Fluffy suffer from a human femur caught in his throat.

A house-cat is a tiger writ small, insolent and carnivorous, lounging on the windowsill and dreaming of killing mice and birds, and through its heavy-lidded eyes perhaps measuring its human companion and pondering the nutritive possibilities. To a pussycat the living room is the African veldt, and the cat's pet human little more than a large, munchable monkey with opposable thumbs.

Sure your kitty purrs when you stroke his chin; he's fantasizing about eating you.

Human – it's what's for dinner.

Even harmless-looking animals on the loose are dangerous; an innocent zoo visitor could be trampled to death by sheep stampeding to some presidential candidate's rally.

And then the snakes – they might escape to become editors at The New York Times, swallowing whole the few remaining specimens of another endangered species, real reporters.


Let's see -- our electoral choices are:

1. Mrs. Macbeth and her geezer-thug-lecher baggage.
2. The Messiah-Fuhrer and his Fuhrer-ess.
3. Another middle-aged guy from Hope, Arkansas who waves a big ol' Bible around, thinks he's a musician, and eats squirrels.
4. The war hero who in his old age is one medication error away from screaming obscenities at the furniture, said furniture including his embalmed wife.

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

A Good Blog: Fauni Gena

If you are a lover of Ambient Music like I am, this is a good Blog to go and read reviews about different artists that are in that genre. 

With artist like Vidna Obmana & Asmus Tietchens, Steve Reich, Brian Eno, just to name a few!  Go and look at the Blog.





"We are all geniuses when we dream"

- E.M. Cioran


Ambient Massive - There Is Grace In Their Feelings

. Instruments used were: Kurzweil 2000vx Microfreak' Maschine 2 Wavestate Deepmind 12 Virus Ti2 Monotron and various VSTi synths. Releas...