Saturday, March 15, 2008

RIAA - SlashDot Story


| RIAA Will Finally Face the Music In Court                                |

|   from the discovery-channel dept.                                           |

|   posted by kdawson on Friday March 14, @12:29 (The Courts)                |




Falstaff writes "[0]Exonerated RIAA defendant Tanya Andersen is expected to [1]refile her malicious prosecution lawsuit against the RIAA today.

The refiling will mark a significant watershed in the RIAA's fight against P2P users because for the first time, the group's tactics, secret agreements, and fee splitting with MediaSentry are likely to come to light, thanks to discovery. Andersen's attorney says he'll be 'digging into agreements between the RIAA, RIAA member companies, MediaSentry, and the Settlement Support Sentry. Part of that will involve looking at compensation, like how much MediaSentry gets from each settlement. "I'd love to know what kind of bounty MediaSentry got paid to supply erroneous identities to the RIAA," Lybeck says.' The judge has barred further motions to dismiss the complaint, which means the RIAA will have to face the music. 'Unlike the thousands of lawsuits filed so far, the RIAA does not have the luxury of walking away from this case if there's a real chance of embarrassing information being released. "Once discovery happens in the cases the RIAA brings, they run," Lybeck says. "This is our case now, and they can't run."'"


Discuss this story at:








You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2008 (HR 5353).

I am writing today to urge you to co-sponsor the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2008 (HR 5353). This important, bipartisan legislation protects the free-flowing Internet from blocking, censorship and discrimination by powerful phone and cable companies.



Tens of millions of Americans rely upon an open Internet in their daily lives. Our elected leaders must protect our basic right to communicate from those who want to take it from us. The legislation calls for a nationwide series of public hearings about what the future of the Internet should look like -- an important step to bring these crucial issues into the light of day.



Please help in this effort by joining Reps. Markey and Pickering in support of the bipartisan Internet Freedom Preservation Act. Thank you.





You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


House Painting...

We had our home painted inside over the last 7 days by a good contractor located here in Midlothian. The contractor is called McNeil-N-Design, LLC

The owner is named Erick McNeil and they did  a very good job given the task at hand.  If you live in the Chesterfield/Midlothian area and you need some house work done, please contact me.




The significant problems we face

cannot be solved at the same level

of thinking we were at when

we created them: Albert Einstein


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Big con trial!

Taken with my LGVX8600 phone.
From RMStringer

What Im reading now...

The Travler-John Twelve Hawks I have read this one before and just got the next in the series. I wanted to refresh my memory about the book.
Posted via my LGVX8600 phone. From RMStringer

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mack: The Superior Species

Thanks to Mac for letting me post this.
The Superior Species
That whacky – of charity, let us call him Stultus Cibus – Stultus Cibus is at it again, swimming naked with the alligators in Florida.  Oh, sure, some writers say he was swimming nude with the alligators, but if you've seen a picture of that ugly ol' boy you will understand that he was nekkid.  Indeed, he looks as if he traded his last few brain cells and his last bar of soap for a marijuana joint back in 1968 or so.
The last time Stultus got naked with the alligators back in '06 one of them ate a fair amount of him, including his left arm and part of his sit-upon.  This Circle of Life event would have been completed, and Stultus digested, except for the fact that Polk County deputies were pulling on one end of Stultus while the 'gator was pulling on the other.
One would expect a self-respecting alligator who was raised by loving parents to eat a healthier diet than ol' Stultus.
Maybe next time the deputies can just sort of, you know, accidentally let go. 
One wonders if to alligators humans taste like chicken.
Stultus spent months receiving taxpayer-funded care that apparently some of our war wounded are denied, and returned to driving around in his pickup truck and consuming meth and marijuana. 
Well, one can't keep a one-armed village idiot down.  Last Friday Stultus was once again swimming naked with the alligators, and once again Polk County deputies saved his life.
Like the ever-optimistic Charlie Brown, the alligators were hoping Lucy wouldn't yank the human away this time.
Or perhaps the alligators were reluctant to take a bite out of Stultus because they were afraid he was processed in China and might contain bacteria or sewerage or weird chemicals.
And aren't there laws against feeding alligators unsanitary food?
This last encounter was on a Friday, and as we all know from the respected theologian Jack Chick the Pope mandated that alligators eat humans on Fridays for the sake of the Italian alligator-shoe industry.
Stultus' next career may be as an announcer for National Public Radio, another taxpayer-funded and brain-dead entity.  Barring that, he could stumble around the mall with a tin cricket in his ear and barking obscenities to himself.
Let's see if Stultus really has guts – let's see if he'll swim naked with Rosie O'Donnell next go-'round.

Mack Hall -- one of the few healthy men in Jasper County not displaying a parking tag meant for the handicapped.


Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...