Sunday, March 09, 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008

Personal Best...

I went to the gym last night and was working on legs.  I worked into a set with a guy on the Hack-Sled. That is an inverted leg press.  I normally work out with about 230lbs not counting the weight of the machine.  Well, we started out with 270lbs, i did my normal set reps with that, then we went to 360lbs, normal set reps with that as well.  He then placed 6 pairs of 45lb weights; 1 set =90lbs, totaling 540lbs.  I did 10 reps at that weight! i have never tried that weight before and i was very impressed with myself.  He proceeded to go to about 620lbs and i said that 540lbs was enough.  In actuality, it was 585lbs due to the weight of the sled. I only count the weight  that i place on the machine.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Busy Life...

Sorry for not posting much this week to the Blog. it has been a crazy week and lots of stuff is going on. I will try to post a few items over the next few days.  I saw this website while I was reading a magazine during a break today.  It is called Road Id. and I am going to get me one as it is a good idea if you like the outdoors and are active in it.  Go and check it out.


More later…




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Trading Drugs?

While i am on the road going to work, i listen to the local radio station. They always play commercials to pay for their air time and i keep hearing one for substance abuse. A person will come on and say do you or someone you know use meth, or cocaine, or alcohol? IF you, you might qualify for a study to take a pill to see if it stops the cravings of the substance(s) you take. you will be compensated with money and travel time. Please call...

This just pisses me off to know ends. On May 5, 2008; i will be 5 years clean and sober and no, i repeat no PILL helped me stop! I was in rehab for 28 days straight and worked a good program for many years afterwards to stop. I did not and do not take a pill to stay off drugs and alcohol. No one paid me to stop, i did it on my own.

My compensation for doing so is a clean, sober life. I do not have to get up and take my "no drugs" pill to stave off the cravings and insanity. But let me digress, without a spiritual awakening and the power of God; it would not have happened and or continue to happen. That is not to say i have to live my life "one day at a time;" i make future plans and i try to be the best person i can be and lead a clean healthy life.

So, i guess my point is, they might come up with a pill to make you not want to use anymore but who wants to be bound with a pill to stop taking drugs? SO you put down the crack pipe for a pill to stop; get the picture? If you want to get sober and clean it can be done. Ask for help and get into a 12-Step program that best suits you habit. AA, CA, NA, they are all good if worked correctly and with divine guidance and prayer they will and can work everyday. You can try the "pill" but you will only trade one substance for another, it might not be as bad; it might cost the same or more; you might fill the craving void, but it is not the correct way...

What is your opinion?
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Monday, March 03, 2008

Saturday Northwest sky...

More con trails. Look at the formations...
Taken with my LGVX8600 phone. From RMStringer

Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Handy Utility...

FLV to MP3 Online Converter.

Convert your FLV files (YouTube's videos) to MP3 fast. It's 100% free.

This is not a bad little site. It really works...

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Peter Murphy - A Strange Kind of Love ( Trent Reznor, Jeordie White)

His voice is still as good as it ever was. This track brings chills to me...

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...