Friday, July 27, 2007


I will have several stories up here tonight. I hope to see you back…





You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another Panorama Shot...

I made this usin g Panorama Maker 3.0
Very good prog.
What is your opinion?

This Week..

It has been a boring week. We joined a gym and I have ridden 22 miles on the stationary bikes. I was doing the cardio workout program on the bike. I would ride for 30 minutes and try to get 11 miles. That meant less than a 2.5 minute mile and I would get my heart rate to 147 bpm.  That was the target. I was able to achieve that.  I am also working out for my back to strengthen it up by doing dead lifts.  I do 4 sets of 10 at 100 lbs and then 2 sets of 10 at 110 lbs.  So I am sore today. I took the night off, but I think that I am going in the morning before I have to sleep to get ready for work for the weekend.  Also, my Grandparents and Uncle are coming out here!  They start driving on Saturday and will get here on Sunday. I can’t wait to see them!! Well, have a good evening…




What have I done

What lies I have told

I've played games with the ones that

rescued my soul

Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things  - A - Ha   1986


MP3 Mix

Here is the link that should work correctly.

Just Right Click and "save as"

What is your opinion?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A small mix i did...

I did this mix about 2 years ago. Go and get it at this URL:

I do not normally self promote, but the few people that have listened to it, liked it.

It is called: Dj Renigade - Latenight Into The 21st Century (Take 3.3.1 Final)
65 minutes of samples and music. I will not post a track listing as i think that most of you will know the songs!!


What is your opinion?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

poor LiLo...Awhhh

Very Classy Act!!!

Good Look for Her!!!

Lindsay Lohan won't be appearing on "The Tonight Show" this evening, the late-night chat show got the next best thing -- Rob Schneider in drag!
What is your opinion?

Celebrities??? Role Models???

A real world commentary...

What is it with our fascination with these people? Why do we follow their lives? What power do they have over us? They do not have any on me! To me, they are just normal people, not to be idolized. Let us look at some of them. Most of them did not finish High School or even have a college degree. Therefore, to say that they are role models is not hitting the mark for our children.

Wow, Mom, I want to be like Brittany Aguilera and make it big in the music business; a little girl might say at age 10 or 11 perhaps. What a dream it is, because that is just it, a dream. Most kids grow up to become productive members of society and have a family, job, and home just like their parents do, not some nut job that shows her private parts or strips down to bra and panties to go swimming swarmed by the media.

It scares me to think that my daughter once wanted to be like one of them. With role models like Hilton, Spears, Lohan, just to name a few; who needs nightmares? These women and I use the term loosely, could be a very good force in young girls futures by doing things the right way, but instead, they choose to be sluts and addicts and with the media coverage, every little girl gets to see just how the rich and powerful act; with no regard for actions and how it effects others. Mindless debauchery with drug filled sex oriented nights on tape no less. We have all had times where we acted not so well, but we grew up and got over it. I for one feel they they will never.

Therefore, I challenge you as parents and families to not let your children idolize these people. It is good to have dreams and if one so chooses, to be an actor or singer, but get an education because the chances of making it big are not very good. We are so consumed with these famous people that we use this as medicine for the lives that we lead. Most are so dumbded down by the media that they live for the next big star to fall or get in a fight or make a surprise visit to the big Hollywood hot spot. It is time to wake up and view these people for what they are, just normal people, well at least most of them.

Wake up people, live your own life, and do not worry what the Johnsons are doing across the street. Most of the actors and actresses live in a dream world that they created with their money, not in reality that you or I live in. I for one cannot afford to go into court with a high priced attorney and get out of jail free. It just pisses me off to no ends… I guess that what they say is true. We follow these people to not have to deal with our own lives. Celebrity gossip is the opiate for the masses.

What is your opinion?

Ambient Massive - There Is Grace In Their Feelings

. Instruments used were: Kurzweil 2000vx Microfreak' Maschine 2 Wavestate Deepmind 12 Virus Ti2 Monotron and various VSTi synths. Releas...