Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Crank" The Movie...

I know that I am a little behind n watching movies. The wife and i watched this last night. It action was very different than most of Jason Statham other movies like The Transporter 1&2. He still plays the Killer/Professional Hit Man as in other movies, but the acting style is very different.

"Professional assassin Chev Chelios (Statham) learns his rival (Cantillo) has injected him with a poison that will kill him if his heart rate drops."

It seams to be a very plausible story line, "The Beijing Cocktail" sounds real, but the action was very campy, almost like a very poor "C" grade Kung-Fu movie. It started off normal, but his actions during the movie trying to keep his hears beating and wanting to get revenge on his killer made it funny. And with Amy Smart as his girlfriend, she played the dumb blond very well. It was a fun movie to watch if you don’t try to compare it to any of his other films. Some of the events that happen are over the top so to speak like when he was having sex on the street and all the Japanese were watching him, over the top to exaggerate his ability to stay alive long enough to get revenge.

If you want to watch a rock'em sock'em fighting action thriller, then this is one for you, but don’t put too much into the story, but I guess you have to take it for what it is.

What is your opinion?

Life and Choices...

We all have decisions in our life to make that will and can affect us dramatically. Should we take a new job, or should we go for a promotion and the such. I am in that position at the moment.

As many know, I was hoping to be picked up by Qimonda for a Sustaining position, the same position I do now, but with better benefits. This did not happen on the first go around of hiring.

I have a chance in September to be picked up again, but with some changes to be made in the meantime. In order for me to become a better tech, I will have to go to Day Shift again, but go to straight days, Monday-Friday and not be on shift anymore. I do not know how I feel about that as I like shift and having days off during the week and a 3-day weekend every other weekend. I would only have a 2 day weekend. Also, I would have a lot more responsibility placed on me and have to learn the system and work on the equipment more that I have had to in the past. This is not a bad thing, but still a consideration.

How have yall dealt with situations like this in your professional work careers? Please feel free to give me some feedback on this issue. I know that in every decision that there are pluses and minuses, I just have to weigh them out.

What is your opinion?

Cameras and the such

What kind of cameras do you people use? I use a Sony DSC-H1 Cybershot 5.1 megapixel.

I am thinking of coing to soem type of SLR cam this christmas, but i am unsure. Can some of you please offer some suggestions?


What is your opinion?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Work Stuff...

It has been very busy since i got back from vaca.  I was on day shift, but got the call yesterday morning that i am going back to Night shift that i was previously on.  I cant wait until the end of the month as my uncle and Grand Parents are driving from Texas to visit me for a week. More on that later this weekend...


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Swift Creek Reservoir

This is the lowest levels that i have seen since moving here in December 2005. IF we do not get any rain soon, we will be placed on Water Restrictions.

We have lots of Canadian Geese that live here year round. The lake we live on is the water supply for Chesterfield County. It is called Swift Creek Reservoir. We have not had an substantial rain in the past several months.

This coves in the lake is getting shallow and the geese are taking advantage of it. Even though the weather gets hot here, the geese do not seam to mind the heat.

What is your opinion?


Thanks for keeping me on my toes "Anonymous." Sometimes i forget to do that and i try to be very good about giving credit where it is due. I just want to thank you for your patronage and pleas continue reading and making comments on my posts...

What is your opinion?

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...