Monday, July 02, 2007

Scooter does a lot less time than Paris did...

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Art Bell Retires...again (sigh)!

from wiki:

Art Bell announced his retirement from weekend hosting on July 1, 2007. Art stated that the reason for this latest retirement is his desire to spend time with his wife and new daughter born in May, 2007. Art Bell stated he will host occasional shows in the future but will no longer host regularly on weekends. Art also said that unlike his other "retirements", this one will stand.

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I don't know how many of you have ever listened to Coast to Coast AM. To me, and all of us freaks who find themselves up late at night and want to pass the time listening to stories of bigfoot, Area 51 and shadow people, it's the best. The weekend is when it really shines for me though - I just like listening to Art.

Yeah, I'm depressed.

What is your opinion?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Music Industry RIP - via Rolling Stone .com

The major labels are struggling to reinvent their business models, even as some wonder whether it's too late. "The record business is over," says music attorney Peter Paterno, who represents Metallica and Dr. Dre. "The labels have wonderful assets -- they just can't make any money off them." One senior music-industry source who requested anonymity went further: "Here we have a business that's dying. There won't be any major labels pretty soon."

In 2000, U.S. consumers bought 785.1 million albums; last year, they bought 588.2 million (a figure that includes both CDs and downloaded albums), according to Nielsen SoundScan. In 2000, the ten top-selling albums in the U.S. sold a combined 60 million copies; in 2006, the top ten sold just 25 million.

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(source: Rolling Stone)

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My Blog...

AS of tonight at 23:00hrs EST, i will be on VACATION!!!   My co-contributor Jimmy Freeman will be tacking the leads. I will post some photographs this week from Vacation.  Have a good weekend and a Happy 4th of July!!


Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights from outer space. I hope to be able some day to go far enough North to see them in real life, not from a picture.

What is your opinion?

Why of course... it's a Zorse??

SOMETHING’S not quite white about this animal. It has two bizarre patches of stripes on its head and flank thanks to a strange parentage.

Dad was a zebra stallion, mum was a horse . . . so their odd-looking offspring is known as a zorse.

The animal, called Eclyse, can be seen at a safari park in Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock, Germany.
Trust us, it’s not an April Foal.

It is Real!!! Looks Fake, but it is REAL!!
What is your opinion?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The BLOG...

You have heard it correctly!  I have broken the 5000 hit mark on my Blog.
Thankx to everyone and lets try to hit 10000 by years end!!!

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...