Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact:
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Night Shots in Richmond...
I am off to sleep!!
Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood
over questions of reality and illusion.
I know this: if life is an illusion, then I
am no less an illusion, and being thus, the
illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I
love, I slay, and I am content.
(Robert E. Howard, Queen of the Black Coast, Weird Tales, May 1934)
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
Hardware stuff...
I saw that it was also an ergonomic one. I picked it up to see what the model was and it was the Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000. My very first keyboard was the Microsoft Natural Pro.
Here is a review of the 4000. It is taking a few days to get used to the slant and the feel of the one as it is totally different from the other one i had.
This is the Natural Pro:
This is the Keyboard 4000:
The 4000 is very different in style and feel. I like it, but it is very different from the other one. This has many new function keys such as Favorite(5), Volume, a built in Search Function, A Zoom bar that works well, as well as the Mail and Web features. The leather cushion to rest your palms is very nice to feel. Unlike the Natural Pro, this board is slanted from back to front. It does not have any USB ports like the Natural Pro did, but the would be had to use with the slant that the 4000 has. The color of the 4000 is GREAT!! Silver and Black instead of the light Tan of the Pro. The 4000 fits better with my color scheme. Everything that i have is Black, Gray and Silver, so a perfect fit.
IF you are worried about Repetitive Motion Injuries, this keyboard will be a very good purchase in that case. I use my hands for my work as a technician and also as a drummer, so, any help i can get in that department helps.
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Stuff this weekend...
I cant wait to get it!!! I am getting last years model, so i am getting a good price on it and by doing that, i can get some extra stuff with it!! New seat, light and a toolkit for it.
My brother will be here tomorrow evening, and i think that we are going to go and do some night shots around the city. I will post them if they turn out nice and how i like them to.
We are off to the movies...
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Thursday, March 08, 2007
Time Change and Microsoft...
Some computers that have "Automatic Updates" activated will have this patch already. But if you, like me, do not choose to use this feature and want to pick and choose what patches are applied; then here is the link to the patch site.
It is called: February 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems
This should advert any problems that might happen with this time change.
For other information on this and how to change the settings yourself:How to configure daylight saving time for the United States in 2007
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Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Videos Changed Out...
I get most of these from YouTube.
More to come!!
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Ready for the wool to be pulled?
I was up early this morning and I saw a TV show with him and his wife and he was praying for Finical Freedom form Satanic enslavement. For God to just rip the bonds off and for you to have finical freedom!! And by drinking his water, you will get healed!! Just think about it...
He was talking and spouting scriptures about wealth in the bible by being a good servant and obeying the Lord. I am a Christian, but this whole-sale rip-off of people just takes the cake. About 20 years ago, Popoff was run off TV for being a Hoax!
This makes me wonder about other Televangelists like Benny Hinn. Or another preacher that I think that got into the business to prove that you can make money in this business. His name was Dr. Gene Scott. We used to watch him in college back in the early 1990s. He would be preaching with a cigar in his mouth and a pair of sunglasses on. Then cut to his home with several dancers and watching his Race Horses run around with the girls on them listening to the Neutron Dance by the Pointer Sisters!! Wow, that was a lot to talk about...
Richmond Skyline...
These are a few shots that I found on the web.
I hope to be able to get several from around the city that will look like these. I think that from the bridge, I will be able to get a better one than the last pic as I will get it from above the streets and from a distance of about 2-3 miles, thus, encompassing all of downtown and part of I95.
The first pic was taken from around the south side of the James River close to 14th street. I should be able to get several shots that are like that one as well. We shall see...
I am versy excited about this series of pictures. I hope to have this all done by Monday night!
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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]
32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...
DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!