Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Interesting Map View

I found this map the other night while I was online. It is of the US interstate system built by Eisenhower during the late 1950-60s time frame. IT is a block diagram, but very neat. I thought that some of you might like to see it...

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

This weekend...

IT has been cold all weekend. My wife, daughter, and i went to the movies last night. We saw A Night At The Museum. IT was very funny!! After the movie, i went to a friends house and we watched fights on HBO (Sugar Shane Mosley) and played Poker! I kicked every one's but and won the most money(chips no cash) We decided to get a bike ride up today and went to Powhite Park. WE rode over 4.5 miles and had a good time. I also went and looked at new bikes yesterday and i am going to decide between a Rockhopper and a Gary Fisher.

I am leaning more to the Gary Fisher as it is a meaner style kind of like in Attack mode. The links are for the bikes that i looked at yesterday.

We are supposed to get snow this week, but i will believe it when i see it. The weather people have said that before. Here is the link to this weeks forcast.

Well, that is all for now...

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

New Vista Versions and Stuff...

A friend sent this link to me... LOL it is So Funny for you techie people out there.

Windows Vista to Ship in 33 Different Versions
By Russell Skingsley

Redmond, WA - Microsoft announced today that its new operating system Vista will ship in 33 editions to enable consumers to get exactly which version they need. Barry Goffe, a director of Microsoft's Windows client unit announced this innovative move from Microsoft earlier today.

"We're trying to make sure we have the right set of offerings for different customers," said Goffe. The impressive list of Vista Editions follows:

Vista Professional Edition
Vista Semi-Professional Edition
Vista Slightly Professional Edition
Vista Complete Amateur Edition
Vista Server Edition
Vista Server Premium Edition
Vista Server Not Bad But Not As Good As Premium Edition
Vista Server My Other Edition Is Premium Edition Edition
Vista 5 User License Edition
Vista Site License Edition
Vista Country License Edition
Vista Planetary License Edition
Vista Galaxy License Edition
Vista Universe License Edition
Vista Universe License Without Windows Media Player Edition*
Vista Home Edition
Vista Home Premium Edition
Vista Home Premium Edition With Some Server Features
Vista Home I Can't Believe It's Not Server Edition
Vista Away From Home But Have My Laptop With Me Edition
Vista Gamers Edition
Vista Mostly Play Games but Also Like to Surf the Net Edition
Vista Boot Straight Into World of Warcraft and Never Be Seen Again Edition
Vista Just Read Email And Clean Up Viruses Edition
Vista Downloaded Via Bittorrent Just Wait For The Subpoena Edition
Vista Erases Your iPod Edition (with Free Creative Player Voucher Included)
Vista Beginners Edition
Vista Intermediate Edition
Vista Advanced Edition
Vista Write My Own Drivers Edition
Vista One Finger On The Reset Button Edition
Vista Uninstall And Reinstall XP Edition
Vista ME Just Joking! Practical Jokers Edition

*Only Available In Europe

"There should be something there for everyone," said Goffe. When asked when the editions would be shipping, Goffe replied, "I can't really say, we haven't finished coding any of this yet."

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Friday, February 09, 2007

This weekend...

Well, it is still cold here and I will not be going to Culpeper Va. The GC got the scheduling messed up and we are not needed there for another 3-4 weeks!!! On a different note, i just got my new set of tires put on my Tacoma. We had to special order them as the size is very strange. IT is 265/65/17. That size is not normally in stock. i will let everyone know what i think of them. I bought Goodyear Wrangler tires. Give em a few days and let me ride on them for a bit...

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Deep Freez...

WE have been in the 30s for the last 2 weeks! It is only going to get colder next week. We are supposed to have a big winter storm by Tuesday. I am also going to work this weekend in Cullpepper Va for Sun Control Systems. I might take my camera and snap some pics of the outside of the building as it is very neat. Well i gotta go as i am very tired and got several more days to work this week.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

A Voter Poll...

Look down on the right side of my blog and you will see a Poll. Please take time to do it as it is short.

The Management

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Our Morning Drive back East...

Here are a few sunrise pics that I took while we were driving threw Louisiana...
IT was a long 20 hour drive that was 1270 miles one-way. We made it fine as we left Texas at 3.30am and made it home in Virginia at 11.00pm

We had Sirius radio in our rental car(mini-van) and we listened to 1st wave(22) on the Sirius unit. It was great; not having to find a station every 100 miles. They played all 1980s bands and I did not hear on repeat song!! We all are very tired, but glad that we made the trip.

In my opinion, a death in a close family can bring out the best and worst in people. I just wish that when a death occurs, that the main focus would be on the families that are hurting and not a material possessions. That the focus would be to help and heal instead of being a vulture to pick over the remains. I have seen this happen many times in my 35+ years of living...

God Bless and Good Night.

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...