Sunday, February 11, 2007

This weekend...

IT has been cold all weekend. My wife, daughter, and i went to the movies last night. We saw A Night At The Museum. IT was very funny!! After the movie, i went to a friends house and we watched fights on HBO (Sugar Shane Mosley) and played Poker! I kicked every one's but and won the most money(chips no cash) We decided to get a bike ride up today and went to Powhite Park. WE rode over 4.5 miles and had a good time. I also went and looked at new bikes yesterday and i am going to decide between a Rockhopper and a Gary Fisher.

I am leaning more to the Gary Fisher as it is a meaner style kind of like in Attack mode. The links are for the bikes that i looked at yesterday.

We are supposed to get snow this week, but i will believe it when i see it. The weather people have said that before. Here is the link to this weeks forcast.

Well, that is all for now...

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