Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve!!

It has been a very interesting year for all of us.  Some tears as well as laughs were heard and shed. My wish for 2010 is for it to be a better year than 2009 was for all of us. Sure, it has been good in some aspects, for one, my Photography has been taken to a new level, my life has made some interesting turns and I have meet some great people. I moved back to Texas to help family and re-find myself so I can be a better person. 


You never know what will come you way when one door closes and another unexpected door opens.  Embrace the challenges that come in 2010 and lets have  fun doing it together. Look for more bigger and better things from me in 2010 to appear on this very site. 


Until then, my friends, have a very safe New Years Eve and if you party, do it responsibly.  Please come home alive…





Published Photographer...



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