Saturday, January 31, 2009

Across The Field...

Across The Field..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Farmhouse viewed across a snow filled field.

Exposure: 0.006 sec (1/160)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Friday, January 30, 2009

DSC06374: Country Road

DSC06374: Country Road, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

This is a road located about 2-3 miles from my home. I love how the trees grow on both side and almost come together at the top. With the big hill to the side, you get a real sense of the time of day that i took it. It was very gold this day and just three days later, we had a 6 inch snow.

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 400

Golden Morning

Golden Morning, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

If i would have not said where this photo was taken, one could assume that it is anywhere in the world. The snow gives it a desolate look. The sun glowing off the snow looks like it could be in the tundra or some other location like that.

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1600)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 40 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Covered Sunrise...

Snow Covered Sunrise..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

With the hint of civilization in the background and a little fog at 7.15am this morning, i saw this beautiful sunrise over the snow covered field. It took my breath away so i had to get several photos this morning of it. I love the blurriness of the photo because of the fog in the air and the sun's reflection on the snow.

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/2000)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 40 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Home Snow 1.1

Home Snow 1.1, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

About 6 inches of snow fell between Monday and Tuesday night hanging on till early Wednesday morning. I used my flash for this photo. I was about so 20+ feet inf ront of my home.

Exposure: 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture: f/4.0
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 200

45deg Angles

Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer


DSC06675, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken in Portrait Mode in a 16:9 HD Aspect Ratio.

Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Two Welders...

Two Welders..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Two craftsmen welding on a big beam using a MIG welders. Taken in 16:9 HD Aspect Ratio.

Exposure: 0.01 sec (1/100)
Aperture: f/4.0
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

After The Snow!

Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Look Into The Light...

Look Into The Light..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

It looks as if he is working on a magic potion or a doorway into another dimension is opening up and it is going to suck him into it. I love the rays of light from the welding process shinning in the air diffused by the smoke and his body parts.

Exposure: 0.125 sec (1/8)
Aperture: f/4.0
Focal Length: 40 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06661: Just Waiting...

DSC06661: Just Waiting..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

This was taken on my way to work this morning. I have been looking at it for a few weeks and wanting to take a few photos of it. I love the desolation that it implies. The equipment is waiting on an empty field, waiting to be used during the proper season. Now it sits, cold and alone, just waiting...

Exposure: 0.006 sec (1/160)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Monday, January 26, 2009

DSC04528: Measurement

DSC04528: Measurement, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Rain Gage that is located in my Grandparents yard in Texas.

Componon 40mm f/4
Exposure: 0.025 sec (1/40)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06464: Ice 1.4

DSC06464: Ice 1.4, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

One of the bushes at the sports park that i took on Saturday. This is a color one from that set. It was taken using the Minolta 35-105mm lens.

Exposure: 1/4000 sec
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC05683: Bush-Hog!!

DSC05683: Bush-Hog!!, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

It looks like it need to be operated. The bushes have grown up all around it and have trapped it. They have revolted.

Exposure: 0.167 sec (1/6)
Aperture: f/22
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Sunday, January 25, 2009

DSC06492: Cold Patio Chair

DSC06492: Cold Patio Chair, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I took this photo of a chair on our patio. I liked the look of it in Blacka nd White. I used the F58AM flash with the Omin-Bounce 580 diffuser on this photo as well. I took it at a strange angle to get it all in the photo. I used the 35-105mm lens to take this photol.

Me In The Dark...

Me In The Dark..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I was using my 70-300mm lens. I had the F58am flash with an Omin-Bounce 58 Diffuser on it. The a200 was in "Portrait" Mode. I was bored so i had been wanting to try this shot for a while. I like this because it is kind of a spooky photo.

Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06483: Ice 1.1

DSC06483: Ice 1.1, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

This is another plant in the series that i took yesterday. It is located at a park that had a fountain and the wind blew the water onto the plants and coated them with ice. I really liked the looks of the bush so i took a series with two different lenses. This was taken with my Minolta 35-105mm lens.

Exposure: 1/3200 sec
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06487: Ice 1.0

DSC06487: Ice 1.0, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

A bush weighted down by ice in Black and White. Located in a park near our home.

Exposure: 1/4000 sec
Aperture: f/4.0
Focal Length: 40 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

Do It Yourself Rain Gear!

How to make your own rain cover for free!

As seen on the Digital Camera website.

Being caught out in the field when the heavens open isn't good for camera gear. Fear not, keep a clear plastic bag handy and follow our guide to help you carry on shooting when the heavens open.

Bag itCut itHood up
1. Bag it
Take off your lens hood and place the bag over the lens so that a corner covers it and makes a cone shape.
2. Cut it
Keeping the bag taut, use your fingernail to rub the edge of the bag so it cuts it perfectly to the lens shape.
3. Hood up
Refit your lens hood taking care to make sure the bag doesn’t move and cover any part of the front element.

Eye eyeManhandleRefit
4. Eye eye
All SLR cameras have a removeable eye-cup. Take it off and pull the bag over it so the open end faces down.
5. Manhandle
Pinch or tear a small hole using your fingernail and pull it tight so it sits snugly around the eye-cup surround.
6. Refit
Place the eye-cup back over the mount so the bag sits in between the camera body and the eye-cup. Done!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

DSC06220: Work 2.8

DSC06220: Work 2.8, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Peddinghaus equipment using a Plasma Torch to cut through steel.

Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 45 mm
ISO Speed: 400

Cold Sunrise!

Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr. Bungle- Pink Cigarette

This is a "Fan Made" video and he captured the essence of the song to the point!! It is well worth watching!!

Mazzy Star - Fade Into You

Dream Pop at its best. They used to play this on MTV "Dream Time" way back in the early 90s. Back when MTV played Music!!


Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

Monday, January 19, 2009

DSC05858: Water Globe

DSC05858: Water Globe, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

This is a water glob for one of my house plants. I took this photo using the built in flash on the camera.

Componon 40mm f/4
Exposure: 0.01 sec (1/100)
Aperture: f/25
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06320: This Is How My Drummer Drums!

Steve Kuca with the Double Base Pedal for his drum kit.

Exposure: 0.01 sec (1/100)
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 60 mm
ISO Speed: 400

DSC06298: In Your Face

DSC06298: In Your Face, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Will Zorn of the band Johnny Vancouver, playing his Gibson Les Paul Guitar in the practice secession on Saturday.

Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 400

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Computer Problems

I am in the middle of system changes and will be on and off the net for the next few days.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

DSC06312: Waiting For Someone

DSC06312: Waiting For Someone, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

This is the guitar and effects processor used by Patric Sullivan. At the time of this photo, Patric was playing his keyboard. I like this photo because of the anticipation that it has. The empty chair beside the equipment says "come play me, i am waiting for you!"

Exposure: 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 22 mm
ISO Speed: 400

DSC06356: Got The Beat?

DSC06356: Got The Beat?, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Steve K on the Drums.

Exposure: 0.4 sec (2/5)
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 400

Strobe Flash Effect
Flash Settings:
1/32 Power
10 Times
10 Hz

A Band Called "JVC"

I got to set in on their practice secession today and take bunches of photos of them. Their music is really good and if they ever have a show in the St Louis Area, go and see them. Here is a link to the practice today:

My Gear Used:
HVL-F58AM Flash
Omin-Bounce 580 Diffuser
Sony DT 18-70mm f/3.5-5.6

JVC are a St Louis based "Jam Band" that plays the local bar and club scene throughout the Metro Region. They formed over 1 year ago.

JVC are:
Steve Kuca - Drums
Will Zorn - Guitar
Patric Sullivan - Guitar, Keys
Patric Guffey - Bass, Guitars, Keys
Practice Location: OFallon, IL

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Please Leave Me A Comment About It.
Blogroll Me!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DSC06171: Work 2.4

DSC06171: Work 2.4, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I think that this photo is perhaps even better than the Work 2.7 photo. The color and lighting is brilliant on this photo. The bright arc is not overpowering any of the photo and you can see the orange glow of the lights in the metal shot reflecting on the metal to the left of the weld. The orange glow on the inside of the pipe si from the hot metal penetrating the pipe and welding it together.

Exposure: 0.067 sec (1/15)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 60 mm
ISO Speed: 400

DSC06179: Work 2.7

DSC06179: Work 2.7, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken today at work. I love the coloration of this photo. You can see that the worker does not have the MIG welding rig amperage turned up high so he will not blow a hole through the metal. I love the sparks that are being reflected from his chest.

Exposure: 0.033 sec (1/30)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 400

DSC06121: Books

DSC06121: Books, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Just another shot taken with a the DIY Diffuser. It shows lots of color without washing out any part of the photo.

Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/22
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

DSC06124: The Slingpack 200

DSC06124: The Slingpack 200, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Lowepro Slingpack 200 AW carrying my bag of tricks!! It is very compact and tight. No movement if felt from any of the lenses or gear while i am walking. It holds the stuff well.

Exposure: 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture: f/22
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06071: Glass Globe

DSC06071: Glass Globe, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

One of my collectibles that i have had for many years. I took it and placed it on a black cloth and took some diffused flash photos of it.

Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/8
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC05190: Looking Through...

DSC05190: Looking Through..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

While on vacation in Texas for Christmas, we were at my Grandparents home on Lake Sam Rayburn. This photo is looking at the cove where you can park your boat during the summer. At the moment, the lake is very low and the cove is dry.

I had some very, very fun times on this lake during the many summers that i spent there! This is a much different looking photo than what you would see during the summer. It is a bleak, dull looking gray photo with no life. During the summer, it is a bright green "parkway" that allows you 24 hour access to the water and your boat. There are houses to the left and the right but none on this area...

At this moment in time, this photo is a dim reminder of the Winter season that we are all in but don't fret, Spring and Summer are right around the corner.

Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/640)
Aperture: f/1.7
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Monday, January 12, 2009

DSC04940: A Blurry Reflection Of The Past.

This is cool!! It is a reflection of the Christmas Tree on a picture with the reflection of another window and another picture on the wall. The origional picture can be seen but it is blurry!

Exposure: 0.25 sec (1/4)
Aperture: f/1.7
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06009: DDR 400 Ram 1.0

DSC06009: DDR 400 Ram 1.0, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Another Macro photo of an extra stick of DDR 400 ram. I love the close up of the vacant slot where a memory chip should be. I used the HVL-F58AM for this photo.

Componon 40mm f/4
Exposure: 0.006 sec (1/160)
Aperture: f/14
Focal Length: 45 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC06004: DDR 400 Ram 1.2

DSC06004: DDR 400 Ram 1.2, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

DDR 400 Ram Old ram i have at my house. I used the F58AM flash to take this photo.

Componon 40mm f/4
Exposure: 0.006 sec (1/160)
Aperture: f/14
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...