Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Neat Little Project...

This lens is an enlarger. It states that The F4/40mm is for 24mm x 24mm neg. Componons are enlarging lenses.
DSC09465: Componon 1.4
I have had this little lens for over 10 years and i do not know whay i kept it. I did not have a DSLR camera back then.

I used a lens cap and made a hole through the center and placed it on the top of my 35-105 lens as a holder. It will also work on my 18-70mm lens as well.

From what i have learned, having the Componon on the end, you add +40mm to the Focal Length and +4 to the Aperture and F/Stop. It has a very good Bokeh and a very selective Depth Of Field when in used in conjunction with the other lenses.

Here are some of the photos taken with this Do It Yourself(DIY) Lens.
You get some distortion due to the different layers of glass in the lenses but for the most part
the photos turn out nice.
DSC04412: Componon 1.0 Componon 2.1

Here is the end result with the lens attached to my A200.
Super Macro DIY Lens

Here is a link to my set of photos: Schneider-Kreuznach: Componon f/4 40mm

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1 comment:

  1. Wow. The photos made with this setup are great. I love the look of them.


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