Wednesday, December 10, 2008

DSC04376: Componon 1.17

DSC04376: Componon 1.17, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I took this Macro under my bedside Lamp. The bulb gives out a yellow color and that is why the silver bracelet looks almost bronze or brass, not silver like it is. I did not use a flash in this photo but still i used my Kango hat to lay it on. I was about 6-8 inches above the item.

Componon Enlarger
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 40mm

Minolta 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5
Exposure: 0.067 sec (1/15)
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 800

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