Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mack's Favorite After-the-Hurricane Things




Thanks to Mack Hall for letting me publish that.  He lives in Deep South East Texas where Hurricane Ike came through on late Friday/Early Saturday morning.   He is now going through the cleanup process like my family is having to do. Our prayers go out to all the victims of Hurricane Ike.


Favorite After-the-Hurricane Things
(apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein)
Dedicated to Jasper-Newton Electric Co-Operative


Sweet smelling armpits and hot-water showers
Plugged-in electric clocks that tell us the hours
No more MREs in pink plastic wrappings
These are a few of my favorite things
Co-Op bucket trucks working on my street
Clean socks and clean shorts and non-smelly feet
Linemen who make electricity sing –
Definitely some of my favorite things!


The generator stored once more in the shed
Children asleep in their own little beds
Thankful for cold winds that autumn will bring
These are a few of my favorite things


In the gas line
In the ice line
When I'm FEMA sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad!



Just to be alive is a grand thing.

-- Agatha Christie

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