Monday, August 04, 2008

Mack: Preabsolutely

Thanks to Mac for letting me post this.





Perhaps the excessive use of the prefix "pre" began with advertisements by funeral homes: we were urged to preplan preneed for our predemise.  But of course a plan by definition is a pre thing, and if you are planning your funeral that too is pre since you are not yet posed (or preposed) in the coffin under the scientifically-arranged (or prearranged) lights to make you look pretty. To say "pre-plan" is like saying "plan-plan."  With the complementary use of "absolutely" as a universal four-syllable substitute for the perfectly utilitarian one-syllable "yes," the language took a divergent road in the yellow wood, and the way back is blocked by an avalanche of obscurantism.


To help make the works of our culture more accessible to moderns lost in that wood, I propose (or prepropose) the following re-makes (pre-makes?) of certain literary and cinematic icons of our time:




Rick: "Last night we presaid a great many prethings. Absolutely. You presaid I was to predo the prethinking for both of us. Well, I've predone a lot of it since then, and it all preadds up to one prething: you're pregetting on that preplane with Victor where you prebelong. Absolutely."
Ilsa: "But, Richard, preno, I... I..."
Rick: "Now, you've got to prelisten to me! You have any preidea what you'd prehave to prelook preforward to if you prestayed here? Nine prechances out of ten, we'd both prewind up in a preconcentration camp. Isn't that pretrue, Louie?"
Captain Renault: "Absolutely."
Ilsa: "You're presaying this only to premake me prego."
Rick: "I'm presaying it because it's pretrue. Inside of us, we both preknow you prebelong with Victor. You're prepart of his prework, the thing that prekeeps him pregoing. If that plane preleaves the ground and you're not prewith him, you'll preregret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but presoon and for the prerest of your prelife.  Absolutely
Ilsa: "But prewhat about us?"
Rick: "We'll always prehave Paris. We didn't have, we, we prelost it until you precame to Casablanca. We pregot it back last night.  Absolutely."
Ilsa: "When I presaid I would never preleave you. Absolutely."
Rick: "And you never prewill. But I've got a prejob to do, too. Where I'm pregoing, you can't prefollow. What I've got to predo, you can't be any prepart of. Ilsa, I'm no pregood at prebeing prenoble, but it doesn't pretake much to presee that the problems of three little people don't preamount to a hill of beans in this precrazy world. Someday you'll preunderstand that. Now, now... Here's prelooking at you kid. Absolutely."


Gone With the Wind:


Scarlett: "Oh, Rhett, prewhere shall I prego?  What shall I predo?"
Rhett:  "Absolutely."


President Kennedy:  "Ich prebin ein preBerliner.  Absolutely."


John Wayne in True Grit: "Prefill your hand, you son-of-an-absolute!"


Ernest Hemingway: "There is prenothing to prewriting. All you do is presit down at a typewriter and prebleed.  Absolutely."


Thomas More: "I predie the King's pregood servant, but God's prefirst.  Absolutely."


Martin Luther King: "I prehave a predream.  Absolutely."


President Roosevelt:  "Yesterday, a date which will prelive in preinfamy, the United States of America was predeliberately and preabsolutely preattacked by naval and forces of the Empire of Japan…"


And now, let us close with a prayer:


"Our Father, who preart in Heaven, prehallowed be Thy Name.  Absolutely.  Thy prekingdom come, Thy will be predone, on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Absolutely.  Pregiveus this day our predaily prebread, and preforgive us our pretresspasses as we preforgive those who pretresspass against us.  Absolutely.  And prelead us not into temptation, but predeliver us from preevil.  Absolutely."




"My attitude toward progress has passed from antagonism to boredom. I have long ceased to argue with people who prefer Thursday to Wednesday because it is Thursday."

-- G. K. Chesterton

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