Tuesday, May 27, 2008

KOA Memorial Day Weekend Vacation!

We went to a KOA Campground in Enfield North Carolina for the Memorial Day Weekend. We did "tent" camping. It was our first attempt at this. We had a good time! They had swimming and other activities for the campers. We got the tent set up on Friday evening and during that night, it rained on us. Were kind of freaked out about this and hoped that we would not be trapped in the tent all the next day. It reined from about 2am till 9.30am and then it cleared off. We were really happy about that. We had a good camp neighbors and did several camp fire sittings with them.

I did lots of photography and learned some new techniques and settings with the camera. I used the EV Bracketing and did lots of Black and White photographs. I did a lot of RAW photos and 16:9 Aspect Ratios as well. I did lots of nature and clous photos using the Bracketing method. With that method, you can make HDR Photos using special software and i will post a few soon.

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