Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shooting Range...

Well as you might have looked at the last few pictures that were posted and saw that they were of guns. I went with a few friends of mine today to the range and i brought my camera (Sony a200)

They took a complete assortment of guns and pistols. We did not get to fire and of the big guns, only the pistols and that was fine. We do plan to go back at a latter date when the main firing range is open.

I learned that it is really hard to capture pictures like i did in the bright day and i got lucky on what i was able to capture. I have had no formal training with my camera and i love to try anything that i can with it, having said that i was really lucky! The milk carton exploding like it does on several photos is really cool and i see that the camera is fast enough to get it. The only thing was that it did not like the blast from the gun. I would be shooting and when the boom hit it would stop shooting. Very Strange!

I guess that you live and learn. It was really nice of my friends to take me and let me shoot pictures as well as their pistols. We had a good time!

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