Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Self Inflicted...

I emailed an old friend around his birthday at the ending of November. This is the person that used to be my friend and that i had a very bad ending of a 18 year friendship with. A lot of stuff went down between us 2 years ago. I felt bad for my part in it so i emailed him and asked him to call me. He did about 2 weeks after the email.

He told me that he wondered if i was just messing with him or did i really mean that i wanted to talk to him as only 3 people called him for his birthday, hip parents, me and an old girlfriend. He berated me for about 30 minutes as was his nature about the occurrence and then tried to talk to me in his usual fashion. I was not at a place that i could talk as we were out shopping. Let me say he used to call at odd hours of the night all the time when we were friends. He was always an odd person but i overlooked that. He called me several other times that evening and i said finally that i could not talk as it was very obsessive to call that many times and could he call the next day.

When i got home, i did another email asking him not to call at odd hours of the day or night which i thought was not a strange request. He replied and said that we would have no more contact and it was left at that...

I started to think about this event and what had been said and exchanged between us during that several calls and i realized that i was not me but that it was him. It struck em very odd that only 3 people called him for his birthday and that one was me an ex friend.

Had no professional colleagues called, had no other friends called? He has or had other friends because i know them as well. Has he so totally fallen off the deep end that he has pushed everyone away from him? I guess that only time will tell but as far as i am concerned am finished with this event.

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