The Herlihy Boy Housesitting Service: Sandler and Farley WHAT A TEAM!!
Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact:
Monday, December 31, 2007
Ending of The Year 2007
I just want to wish each and every one of you Happy New Year!!
IMBA Member: Dec 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Great Little Application...
Process Explorer v11.04
By Mark Russinovich
Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'll see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded. Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that will quickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLs loaded.
The unique capabilities of Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work.
Process Explorer works on Windows 9x/Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Server 2003, and 64-bit versions of Windows for x64 and IA64 processors, and Windows Vista.
What's new in Version 11.04:
* New treelist control for better UI responsiveness
* Asynchronous thread symbol resolution on threads tab of process properties
* More flags on groups in security tab and SID display
* Thread IDs on threads tab
* On-line search uses default web browser and search engine
* Vista ASLR column for processes and DLLs
* Vista Process and thread I/O and memory priorities in process and thread properties
* Vista Process and thread I/O and memory columns
* PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION support on process permissions on Vista
* Run as limited user runs with low IL on Vista
* Reports information for all object types on Vista
* Show details for all processes elevation menu item on Vista
* Supports replacement of task manager on Vista
* /e to launch elevated
* /s switch to select a process at startup
* Compiled w/ASLR, DEP
* Faster startup
* Miscellaneous bug fixes and minor improveme

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!
Computer Work Finished...
What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!
A few choice [Slashdot] Stories.
| AOL to Shut Down Netscape Support/Development |
| from the lizard-had-a-good-run dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Friday December 28, @16:42 (Netscape) |
| |
[0]Kelson writes "After years of trying to figure out what to do with it,
AOL is officially [1]discontinuing the Netscape browser. In the four and
a half years after they dismantled the development team and spun off the
[2]Mozilla Foundation as a lost cause, only to see [3]Firefox take off,
AOL has tried twice to reinvent Netscape. There was the chimera-like
Netscape 8, which used both Mozilla's and IE's rendering engines, and
just months ago they released Netscape 9, trying to ride the social
networking wave. AOL will release security fixes through February 1,
2008, after which the browser will officially be dead. For the
"nostalgic," they suggest using Firefox and installing a Netscape theme."
Discuss this story at:
| TSA Limits Lithium Batteries on Airplanes |
| from the best-kind-of-theatre-is-the-funny-kind dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Friday December 28, @15:26 (Security) |
| |
yali writes "The U.S. Transportation and Security Administration has
issued new rules [0]limiting travel with lithium batteries. As of January
1, [1]no spare lithium batteries are allowed in checked luggage.
Batteries carried in the cabin are subject to limitations on per-battery
and total lithium content, and spare batteries must have the terminals
covered. If you're returning home from the holidays with new toys, be
sure to check out the new restrictions before you pack."
Discuss this story at:
| Wal-Mart Closes Online Movie Download Service |
| from the hard-to-fight-the-flix dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Friday December 28, @13:34 (Businesses) |
| |
[0]eldavojohn writes "A year after [1]opening its movie download service,
[2]Wal-Mart has abandoned the endeavor. They claim this is a result of
HP's decision to stop supporting its video download store software. The
article also notes that, unlike iTunes, Wal-Mart offered variable pricing
which attracted a lot of studios. 'The world's largest retailer instead
turned its rental service over to Netflix Inc. Wal-Mart still operates a
music download service and continues to sell CDs and DVDs at retail
stores and over the Internet for shipping by mail.' Is this evidence of
the strength of unified pricing in media downloads or just another
company being squished by the giant Netflix & Apple?"
Discuss this story at:
0. mailto:my/
| Domains May Disappear After Search |
| from the risky-business-out-here dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Friday December 28, @11:36 (Security) |
| |
[0]Ponca City, We Love You writes "Daily Domainer has a story [1]alleging
that there may be a leak that allows domain tasters to intercept, analyze
and register your domain ideas in minutes. 'Every time you do a whois
search with any service, you run a risk of losing your domain,' says one
industry insider. ICANN's Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC
) has not been able to find hard evidence of Domain Name Front Running
but [2]they have issued an advisory (pdf) for people to come forward with
hard evidence it is happening. Here is how domain name research theft
crimes can occur and [3]some tips to avoiding being a victim."
Discuss this story at:
| Warner Music Group Drops DRM for Amazon |
| from the step-in-the-right-direction dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Thursday December 27, @19:58 (Music) |
| |
SirLurksAlot sends us to Ars Technica for an article about the Warner
Music Group's [0]decision to allow DRM-free music downloads through
Amazon. This reversal of [1]Warner's former position has been [2]underway
for some time, and it boosts the number of DRM-free songs available from
Amazon to 2.9 million. Quoting: "Warner's announcement says nothing about
offering its content through other services such as iTunes, and
represents the music industry's attempt to make life a bit more difficult
for Apple after all the years in which the company held the keys to
music's digital kingdom.
Discuss this story at:
"To open the eternal worlds, to
open the immortal eyes Of man
Inwards, into the worlds of thought, into Eternity". ITN
Friday, December 28, 2007
Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod
Jesus Built My Hotrod is a 1991 single by Ministry and was the band's most popular song up to that point. The track features a driving beat and speed metal guitar work backing Butthole Surfers' Gibby Haynes gonzo vocal stylings.
The Band:
Al Jourgensen
Paul Barker
M Balch
Gibby Haynes
Bill Rieflin
The remix released in 1995 was not as good as the original track from 1986.
Pet Shop Boys - Paninaro
The video depicts this very well.
I love the long version on the "Disco" album from 1986.
An Italian youth cult of the 1980s named from the sandwich bars where its members gathered. They wore expensive ‘designer’ clothes (from the US and Italy), presenting a tough militaristic image - leather jackets, belts with large buckles, dark glasses - which accorded with their right-wing views.
Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities - (Let's make lots of money)
1985!! They hit the music scene like a ton of bricks!! I so love the Trench Coat that they had....
The KLF - 3am Eternal
This is taken from The Stadium House VHS tape. I have this on VHS and also a video file. 1991 was the year it came out. I always wanted a phone like the one in the video!
The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds...
I got to see them live in DC early this year. I also got to meet them as well at that same show at the 930pm Club.
Computer Issues...
I am still having issues but I hope to have them solved tonight. I have upgraded my RAM and I am now running about 2.5Gigs of DDR 2700 and I am working out the new SATA drive issues. I might replace my power supply with a 560watt also. I will keep everyone informed as things unfold. Thank you for your patience. I have a neat pic to place on the Blog of the Buttermilk Trail superimposed over a Google map.
Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood
over questions of reality and illusion.
I know this: if life is an illusion, then I
am no less an illusion, and being thus, the
illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I
love, I slay, and I am content.
(Robert E. Howard, Queen of the Black Coast, Weird Tales, May 1934)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Computer problems...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Today December 25, 2007
Well we had a wonderful Christmas with lots of presents and good times. We miss our family and that the fact that we were not able to be with them during this holiday season. I was able to go to Pocahontas Park today with Mark and we rode the Red and Blue trails riding about 7 miles which was a good thing. I have to go to work tomorrow until the end of the week. All have a wonderful rest of the night.
The significant problems we face
cannot be solved at the same level
of thinking we were at when
we created them: Albert Einstein
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas in Mu
Le Plongeon actually got the name "Mu" from a mistranslation of what was then called the Troano Codex in 1864, using the de Landa alphabet. Mu was taken to mean Atlantis, which is what Le Plongeon thought; he also thought that Queen Moo was in Central America 30,000 years ago and founded civilizations in Atlantis and Egypt.
What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!
Merry Christmas
"To open the eternal worlds, to
open the immortal eyes Of man
Inwards, into the worlds of thought, into Eternity". ITN
We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The RMStringers
The "longer" you look at this picture, the "more" you see.
Look at the lines the artist used to draw this picture of Christ. There are scenes from Christ's life. Have you ever seen anything like this?
Share this with a friend or two. In the Circle of God's love, God's waiting to use your full potential.
May God Always Bless You.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Some Moon Night Shots...

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!
[Slashdot] Stories for 2007-12-23
For those of you that do not read SLASHDOT, here are the stories that
They are reporting. They are a very good source of "Techie" information.
Slashdot Daily Newsletter
In this issue:
* Retail Store Scalping Wii Consoles on eBay
* Norway Mandates Government Use of ODF and PDF
* Could An ExtraTerrestrial Find Earth with a Telescope?
* Specs For the New KITT
* NASA's Invention of the Year Award Goes to Synthetic Muscles
* Many Analog TV Watchers Aren't Aware of Upcoming Switchover
* Notebook Makers Moving to 4 GB Memory As Standard
* New Jersey Judge Shields Anonymous Blogger
* IRS Data Security Still a Concern
* Mystery Company Recruiting Talent With a Puzzle
* FBI Prepares Vast Database of Biometrics
* U.Maine Law Clinic Is First To Fight RIAA
* Analog Cellular Shutdown To Hit Built-In Devices
* GNU Octave 3.0 Released After 11 Years
| Retail Store Scalping Wii Consoles on eBay |
| from the with-a-name-like-slackers-... dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Friday December 21, @20:55 (Wii (Games)) |
C0rinthian writes "ArsTechnica reports that the games retailer Slackers
has been keeping their stock of the Nintendo Wii off their store shelves,
and is instead [0]selling the system on eBay for $400-500. (A $150-$250
markup)" This follows their look at the other side of the coin: [1]why
some retailers insist on Wii Bundles.
Discuss this story at:
| Norway Mandates Government Use of ODF and PDF |
| from the playing-nice-with-everyone dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Friday December 21, @22:30 (Government) |
siDDis writes "Earlier this year Slashdot mentioned that Norway was
[0]moving towards mandatory use of ODF and PDF. Now it's official: the
Norwegian government has [1]mandated the use of open document formats
from January 1st, 2009. There are three formats that have been mandated
for all documentation between authorities, users and partners. HTML for
all public information on the Web, PDF for all documents where layout
needs to be preserved and ODF for all documents that the recipient is
supposed to be able to edit. Documents may also be published in other
formats, but they must always be available in either ODF or PDF."
Discuss this story at:
| Could An ExtraTerrestrial Find Earth with a Telescope? |
| from the helloooo-up-there dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Saturday December 22, @00:38 (Space) |
[0]Active Seti writes "If aliens were hunting life outside their own
planet, could they peer through the vastness of space and lock onto
[1]Earth as a likely home for life? Researchers say with a roughly
Hubble-sized array observers could measure Earth's 24-hour rotation
period, possibly leading to observations of oceans and the chance of
life. 'They would only be able to see Earth as a single pixel, rather
than resolving it to take a picture,' said Astronomer Eric Ford. 'But
that could be enough for them to identify our planet as one that likely
contains clouds and oceans of liquid water.' The research will be useful
to astronomers designing the next generation of space telescopes on our
planet, because it provides an outline of the capabilities required for
studying the surfaces of Earth-like worlds."
Discuss this story at:
| Specs For the New KITT |
| from the a-shadowy-flight-into-the-dangerous-world dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Saturday December 22, @02:22 (Television) |
An anonymous reader writes "The upcoming made-for-TV Knight Rider movie
features an [0]all-new version of the Knight Industries Two Thousand
(KITT). Popular Mechanics has the 'specs' for the original
Hasslehoff-mobile, as well as for the digital-effects enhanced version in
[1]the 2008 production. 'Designer Harald Belker, who has created the
Batmobile for Batman and Robin and a next-gen space shuttle for
Armageddon, came onboard to give the new KITT. a unique look. "The goal
was to make it look more aggressive without being hokey or garish,"
Belker says.'"
Discuss this story at:
| NASA's Invention of the Year Award Goes to Synthetic Muscles |
| from the we're-so-close-to-cyborgs dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Saturday December 22, @04:28 (NASA) |
[0]coondoggie writes "It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie:
technology that can [1]act like muscle and nerves to expand and contract.
The invention has been named the NASA Government Invention of the Year
for 2007. 'The Macro-Fiber Composite, or MFC, is made up of ceramic
fibers and can be attached to a structure to bend it, reduce vibrations
and monitor force. By applying voltage to the MFC, the ceramic fibers
change shape to expand or contract and turn the resulting force into a
bending or twisting action on the material. MFC technology could also
find its way into inflatable space structures can be used for antennas,
communication satellites, space station trusses, and solar sail support
structures, NASA said.'"
Discuss this story at:
0. http://networkworld/
| Many Analog TV Watchers Aren't Aware of Upcoming Switchover |
| from the it's-coming dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Saturday December 22, @06:19 (Television) |
A recent poll of TV watchers shows that many Americans aren't aware
[0]the end times are coming for analog broadcast signals. "The survey
found that the group most affected by the analog cutoff -- those with no
cable or satellite service -- are most in the dark about what will happen
to their sets: Only one-third of them had heard that their TVs are set to
stop receiving programs. Of course, there are solutions. Congress is
subsidizing the purchase of digital television receivers. And the cable
TV industry is hoping that this will spur the last holdouts to buy pay
Discuss this story at:
| Notebook Makers Moving to 4 GB Memory As Standard |
| from the living-in-the-wacky-future dept. |
| posted by Zonk on Saturday December 22, @08:24 (Portables) |
akintayo writes "Digitimes reports that first-tier notebook manufacturers
are [0]increasing the standard installed memory from the current 1 GB to
4GB. They claim the move is an attempt to shore up the costs of DRAM
chips, which are currently depressed because of a glut in market. The
glut is supposedly due to [1]increased manufacturing capacity and the
slow adoption of Microsoft's Vista operating system. The proposed move is
especially interesting, given that [2]32-bit Vista and XP cannot access 4
GB of memory. They have a practical 3.1 b Blogs - “Everybody lie down on the floor and keep calm” - DJ Food MySpace Blog
There was a BIG NOISE about this site when it came out by the KLF community! What a great spoof int he likes of BILL and Jimmy. Very KLFish! Thanks to DjFood for this... Blogs - "Everybody lie down on the floor and keep calm" - DJ Food MySpace Blog
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Big Lab Experiment...
By Jim Holt
Was our universe created? That is, was it brought into being by an entity with a mind? This is a question I began pondering after my recent inquiry into the end of the universe. (For some reason, cosmic mysteries are best contemplated in pairs.) It is the fundamental issue that separates religious believers, ranging from Deists to Gnostics to Southern Baptists, from nonbelievers. To many atheists, the very idea that our world could have been created by a conscious being seems downright nutty. How could anyone, even a god, "make" a universe?
To get a better understanding of this matter, I thought it might be wise to consult the man who has done more than anyone else to explain how our universe got going. His name is Andrei Linde, and he is a physicist at Stanford University. (He's also an artist and an acrobat, but never mind.) In the early 1980s, the then-thirtysomething Linde came up with a novel theory of the Big Bang that answered three vexing
questions: What banged? Why did it bang? And what was going on before it banged? Linde's theory, called "chaotic inflation," explained the shape of space and how galaxies were formed. It also predicted the exact pattern of background radiation from the Big Bang that was observed by the COBE satellite in the 1990s. Linde has been amply honored for his achievement, most recently by being awarded the 2004 Cosmology Prize of the Peter Gruber Foundation (along with Alan Guth, another pioneer of the theory of cosmic inflation).
Among the many curious implications of Linde's theory, one stands out for our present purposes: It doesn't take all that much to create a universe. Resources on a cosmic scale are not required. It might even be possible for someone in a not terribly advanced civilization to cook up a new universe in a laboratory. Which leads to an arresting thought: Could that be how our universe came into being?
"When I invented chaotic inflation theory, I found that the only thing you needed to get a universe like ours started is a hundred-thousandth of a gram of matter," Linde told me in his Russian-accented English when I reached him by phone at Stanford. "That's enough to create a small chunk of vacuum that blows up into the billions and billions of galaxies we see around us. It looks like cheating, but that's how the inflation theory worksall the matter in the universe gets created from the negative energy of the gravitational field. So, what's to stop us from creating a universe in a lab? We would be like gods!"
Linde, it should be said, is famous for his mock-gloomy manner, and these words were laced with irony. But he insisted that this genesis-in-a-lab scenario was feasible, at least in principle. "What my theoretical argument showsand Alan Guth and others who have looked at this matter have come to the same conclusionis that we can't rule out the possibility that our own universe was created in a lab by someone in another universe who just felt like doing it."
It struck me that there was a hitch in this scheme. If you started off a Big Bang in a lab, wouldn't the baby universe you created expand into your own universe, killing people and crushing buildings and so forth?
Linde assured me that there was no such danger. "The new universe would expand into itself," he said. "Its space would be so curved that it would look as tiny as an elementary particle. In fact, it might end up disappearing altogether from the world of its creator."
But why bother making a universe if it's going to run away from you? Wouldn't you want to have some power over how your creation unfolded, some way of making sure the beings that evolved in it turned out well?
Linde's picture was as unsatisfying as Voltaire's idea of a creator who established our universe but then took no further interest in it or its creatures.
"You've got a point," Linde said. "At first I imagined that the creator might be able to send information into the new universeto teach its creatures how to behave, to help them discover what the laws of nature are, and so forth. Then I started thinking. The inflation theory says that a baby universe blows up very quickly, like a balloon, in the tiniest fraction of a second. Suppose the creator tried to write something on it surface, like 'Please remember I created you.' The inflationary expansion would make this message exponentially huge. The creatures in the new universe, living in a little corner of one letter, would never be able to read the whole thing."
But then Linde thought of another channel of communication between creator and creationthe only one possible, as far as he could tell. The creator, by manipulating the cosmic seed in the right way, has the power to ordain certain physical parameters of the universe he ushers into being. So says the theory. He can determine, for example, what the numerical ratio of the electron's mass to the proton's will be. Such ratios, called constants of nature, look like arbitrary numbers to us: There is no obvious reason they should take one value rather than another. (Why, for instance, is the strength of gravity in our universe determined by a number with the digits 6673?) But the creator, by fixing certain values for these dozens of constants, could write a subtle message into the very structure of the universe. And, as Linde hastened to point out, such a message would be legible only to physicists.
"You might take this all as a joke," he said, "but perhaps it is not entirely absurd. It may be the explanation for why the world we live in is so weird.
On the evidence, our universe was created not by a divine being, but by a physicist hacker."
Linde's theory gives scientific muscle to the notion of a universe created by an intelligent being. It might be congenial to Gnostics, who believe that the material world was fashioned not by a benevolent supreme being but by an evil demiurge. More orthodox believers, on the other hand, will seek refuge in the question, "But who created the physicist hacker?"
Let's hope it's not hackers all the way up.
Jim Holt writes the "Egghead" column for Slate. He also writes for The New Yorker and the New York Times Magazine.
Front Line Assembly - The Blade
FLA:1992 Off the same album as Mindphaser. The album is called Tactical Neural Implant .
Our Aniversary...
We started with an appetizer of Wicked Cajun Barbecue Shrimp that had a very robust and spicy taste. We then ordered our main course which was MEAT!! I have the Prime New York Strip (16oz) and Sondra had the Prime Bone-In Ribeye. Hers was well done and i ordered mine medium. We had two sides: Fleming's Potatoes and Chipotle Cheddar Macroni and Cheese. The sides were very good. I had to send my steak back as it was under cooked. They were very willing to make it correct for em and i was glad of that.
It was a very nice night and we really enjoyed each other!! If you get a chance to dine at Fleming's i think that you will not be unhappy with the food.
What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!
Mack: Christmas (not toooooooooooooooo sappy)
Thanks to Mack Hall for letting me publish this.
It's Not Over Until January 6th
Every year some folks take up their crayons and write querulously to the newspapers to demand that Christ be returned to Christmas, as if the newspapers are somehow at fault because Christmas is not what the writers of letters to the editor think it ought to be.
The real irony is that for much of Christian history Christ was not in Christmas because there was no Christmas at all.
Christmas as a Feast of the Church was formally established by Pope Julius I in 350. Even then our poor, ignorant, superstitious ancestors only went to church on Christmas to worship God, and failed to buy masses of made-in-China stuff.
Over time, European nations slowly developed the concept of the twelve days, keeping Christmas from the 25th of December until the Feast of the Epiphany, or Three Kings, on the 6th of January. This worked well in agricultural societies in cold Europe because unless Sven and Gunter wanted to throw snowballs or hunt wolves or count icicles or something there wasn't a whole lot to do in mid-winter except stay indoors next to the fire.
While Martin Luther was rather fond of Christmas – and was devoted to the Blessed Mother, too – other reformers said "Bah, humbug!" to Christmas and forbade it under penalty of law. In England and in the colonies Puritans and their spiritual descendants, including Baptists and Methodists, were sternly opposed to the celebration of Christmas as Romish superstition. To this day some evangelical congregations will not open the church doors when Christmas falls on a weekday.
In Scotland, Christmas was banned for over four hundred years, and not restored until 1958. 1958. Not 1658 or 1758 or even 1858. 1958. Put Christ into Christmas? Nae, laddie, ye'd better not be thinkin' such evil thoughts.
Christmas as we know it is pretty much an invention of Charles Dickens, who imagined a merrie old English Christmas that never really was and wrote it into his books. Dickens' Christmas is little more than some vague, fuzzy good feelings and some innocent partying, although he does allow his characters to walk to divine services on Christmas morning.
Christmas trees are a German tradition (someone will bring up the pagans at this point, and I say that if the pagans thought well of trees, good for them) Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha remembered the Christmas trees of his youth and popularized them in England. American anglophiles followed the lead of Victoria and Albert, and Christmas trees became a symbol of Christmas in the English-speaking world late in the 19th century.
Christmas was and is a Feast Day of the Church, a day in which the Incarnation is realized. Its other main purpose seems to be to serve as an institutional inadequacy for grumpy people to fault.
Well, grumpy people, that's all right. Perhaps we do eat more than we should on Christmas, and buy too much stuff, and indulge our children more than we ought to, but it's all a great deal of fun anyway.
Let the children have their night of fun and laughter,
let the gifts of Father Christmas delight their play.
Let us grown-ups share to the full in their unstinted pleasures
before we turn again to the stern task and the formidable years that lie before us,
resolved that, by our sacrifice and daring,
these same children shall not be robbed of their inheritance
or denied their right to live in a free and decent world.
And so, in God's mercy, a happy Christmas to you all.
-- Winston Churchill, 1941
I am not one of The People.
Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]
32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...

DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!