Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I am Tired…

You know what I am tired of? I am tired of people living in the past. I had a friend that he and I went way back together, back to the 11th grade. We became friends and did lots of stuff together. He would come over to my house and we would go to the lake and hang out or go the clubs in Beaumont or Louisiana. We were big party people back then. I was in college and so was he. He graduated and I did not. He then went to UT Galveston to get his PHD. I played around for several years. I would go to Galveston and we would party together or go to concerts and stuff like that. He started to mature and I did not at that point. He would call me in the middle of the night to talk about some of his projects dealing with the splicing of genes.

Now, he ended up in Baltimore working for the government and I did the "American dream: Married, kid, house" He stayed single but dated around. We would chat and talk, visit when we could as he was busy and we were moving around the country like always. Then it started. We would trade music, programs like always, and then he would lash out at me to be a responsible adult like him. He said that he wanted what was best for me and to stop being lazy, that he was always trying to help me. He would send me "gifts" in the mail and then later ask me to pay for a bit of them.

I was and had done a lot of maturing by this time and gotten my life straightened out, no drinking or the such. We would get into a fight over him trying to push his "high" morals onto me and act like a father to me. We really butted heads and would not speak for a while. Then without warning, I would get an instant message and he would want to talk and be friends again. This was the pattern that we had for about a year more and then we got into a huge fight. He would act like he was better than me and was on top of the world, but remember, we both used to party very hard in the past. I guess that he forgot about that. He wanted me to come to visit for the weekend and I did not want to.

As our "friendship" progressed, he got stranger and stranger, almost jealous of me being married. The huge fight was between my wife and him. It was very nasty and that was over a year ago. We have not spoken since then and I guess that we never will. Our lives took different paths, both good in their own rights. Do I miss talking to him sometimes, yes, In the beginning we had lots in common, music, mutual friends, partying, but in the end, all we had was music. I have not been able to find someone to discuss in person music to that extent and perhaps I never will; time will tell about that.

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