Thursday, October 11, 2007

De De Do, Wubba Wubba Wubba...

The doldrums of Fall…


I am very tired today as my sleep was interrupted several times today. Not much going on here in my life. It is a stable routine here. I go to work get off go to bed around 9.30am and sleep till about 4.30pm.  In one respect I am home more with not having to start work till midnight. When the wife gets in from work around 6pm-ish, we go to the gym or at least try to every other day.  Tomorrow I am going to DC to a concert with Mark and perhaps on Sunday, we will ride at Buttermilk, but I will have to get some sleep for work that night. I was just dead on last Sunday Night/Monday Morning.  It killed me! Trying to get used to going to work at 12-midnight is very different from the 12.5 hour shifts that I used to work. You would think that an 8 hour shift would be a cakewalk but it gets difficult around the 5am to 7am range. I leave work at 7am and I have a 27 mile commute back to my house.  I have a shorter drive than before, but I work longer.  Fall is a strange time because there are no major holidays and you have several months until there is one.  You have Halloween, but that is not a “true” holiday unless you are a pagan.  Thanksgiving is the only real holiday in the Fall, then it is winter and Christmas is next unless you are like me and have your wife’s birthday in December, then your wedding anniversary the next week and then Christmas four days later.  December is a very busy month for me.  We will not be able to go home this Christmas because of work schedules. I do however have a trip to Texas in November for my brother’s wedding and I am looking forward to that. It will be in Austin Texas and I will be with my paternal family for that event. It will be nice to see them all. Well I guess that this is enough of me rambling on f rot he moment…




"We are all geniuses when we dream"

- E.M. Cioran


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