Tuesday, September 11, 2007


You know how when you are younger and something is a "top priority"? Well, when I was younger I used to love to be tanned. I would have a beautiful tan from staying out on the lake or going to the beach or swimming in a pool with friends. Well, as I have grown older, things have changed. I no longer worries about a good tan much less have the time to get in the sun.

Normally, I would get burned like in March or April on spring break and I would not peel or burn the rest of the summer. That does not happen now. The only time I get in the sun is when I mow the lawn or on the off chance, go to the beach.

So, we went to the beach over the Labor Day weekend and we had a good time. On Saturday, we stayed out on the beach from 9.30am till 4pm and we all got burnt to a crisp. I did not use any protection unlike my wife and daughter, but they still got burnt as well. We were all hurting that night and next day. I have for the last week peeled off most of the top layer of skin! My face and chest, arms and feet have peeled off and are still peeling at this very day. I told my mother and she was like "I can’t believe that you got this burnt" and I said "I never get into the sun anymore, we don’t live close to the lake and we do not have a pool like when we lived in an apartment." She said "well, I never thought of it like that, I guess you are right."

Being tanned is just not a priority anymore and it is better for my skin anyway. I guess that I am just getting older and maturing a bit more as well.

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  1. Hi Bob,

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