Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The couple who stopped off at a Travelodge - and stayed 22 years

For most of us who visit a Travelodge, it is a fleeting pleasure. Park the car, go to bed and get away as early as possible in the morning. But for David and Jean Davidson, it is home. They arrived in 1985, and enjoyed it so much that they never left.

This sound like a contrived story to me. Who in their right mind would go and stay at a hotel for 22 years? I hate to go and stay for a week much less 22 freaking years? I can see that they are elderly, but are they insane as well? I might be less expensive than a house, but where do you cook and what happens if the hotel changes hands during that period? And what happened to their house?

What would happen if they family wanted to "visit" them? I can hear it now; Jim, check into room 104. That is the one that has the adjoining door with our room. It also has a micro fridge and a coffee maker.

What is your opinion?
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