Sunday, September 23, 2007

The cosmic perspective

You know what is very cool?  Mr. Tyson replied to my email that I sent to him on Thursday night.  With respect to Mr. Tyson, I left his email out. Here is the email that he responded to about.  It, to me, speaks volumes about his character.  In the grand scheme of things, I am no one, just a person that aspires to be a blogger and to get my name out.  My. Tyson  is a world renound PhD in Astrophysics that goes on the lecture circuit and helps humankind.  For him to respond to me is just amazing in my book and it is the highest praise that I could receive.  He could have been like take down the story that you published of mine, but instead, he thanked me for it.  I emailed him to be courteous to let him know that I used his story with the thought that I would not get a response from him. I did and that speaks volumes to me…





From: neiltyson]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 6:53 AM
To: Robert Stringer
Subject: Re: The cosmic perspective


Thank you, Mr. Stringer, for your kind and supportive words below.  Best to you, on Earth and in the universe. 



Sent from:

On Sep 21, 2007, at 2:32 AM, Robert Stringer <> wrote:

I just wanted to say i loved your article and i printed it on my blog with full credit to you.  I am going to purchase your new book soon and read it.


My blog is  I saw you on discovery and i find your thoughts very interesting.  I also saw you on i guess it was C-Span talking about your book.


Have a good day sir,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob - Yes, he's a great guy - but you are, too. You got his "word" out there, you made his work available to people (like me) who otherwise might not have known about it. So - I (a stranger) thank you, too.


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