Monday, August 27, 2007


Well, another exhausting weekend has come to a close. I worked all weekend long and I am tired today. I had to mow the lawn yesterday before the rain hit. So I got off at 7.15am and drove home, got here around 7.45 and started to cut the crass about 8am.. Needless to say I was dead at work last night. I have not gotten much sleep today as I have had to get a few things done. So, I am tired, cranky, and hungry. I need to eat soon or try to get a little nap in before I go to the gym and try to work out. I want to emphasize try.

I don't see any rain forecast in the next few days, so I might get to cut the grass before the weekend or at least I hope to do that. I will try to post a few items over the next few days.



"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,

anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Author Unknown

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