Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Train Ride Back...

Well, while we were waiting for the train to come into the station; it was late. That is the second time that has happened to me. The train got there, it was 30 minutes late. When the train finally got there and we started to load, they asked that women, children, and elderly load first which was ok. There was a Congressmen standing there that smelt like a brewery and started raising his voice. He stated the "Wow, What’s so good about Richmond? It’s not going to be hopping town this weekend, No NASCAR, No Nothing. I wonder if I a Congressman qualify as a child as we are all infants." He was riding in the Business Class of the train, I wonder why?

I am not sure who he was and I wonder why he had to ride the train home to the boring city that he represents. Very funny if you ask me.

What is your opinion?

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