Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Washington DC Today, July 31, 2007

Me and my Uncle went to DC this morning via AMTRAK from Richmond. We left on the 6am train and arrived in DC around 8.20am at Union Station and proceeded to walk to the US Capitol. Then we walked all the way down to the Lincoln Memorial. We started our way back to visit some of the Smithsonian Museums and we walked about 6-8 miles! I am very tired, but it was really fun to get to take my Uncle somewhere that he has not been.

Here is the link to all the pics i took with my LG VX8600 1.3 mega pixel Cam Phone.


What is your opinion?

4 New Tracks!! #Bandcamp

If you want to Purchase any of my music(s), Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/