Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today and Tonight.

Well, I am on my 3rd day of work. I got the call on Thursday morning that I had to go back to night Shift. I was like "ok" like I really had a choice. So I worked on Friday Day Shift but had to leave early to take care of my Wife after a little day surgery. I guess that I went to sleep around 11pm and got up around 8am on Saturday morning. I tried to go back to sleep around 9.30am and then got up at 3pm to get ready for night shift.

Last night went ok at work, and I went home at the normal time. I ate breakfast and got into bed around 9am. I was woken up around 9.30 by a phone call and then I got up around 1.20pm for a few minutes. I tried to go and lay back down to sleep for a bit. I think that I slept for about another hour or so. Ay the present time, I am really tired and I am dragging around the Fab.

I can’t wait until tomorrow morning where I can get some uninterrupted sleep! It reminds me of the song by the Art Of Noise called “Paranomia” with Max Headroom. Remember that video? “How Can I Get Some Sleep?”

What is your opinion?

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