Thursday, July 12, 2007

Custom Ring Tones on Verizon.

I am not sure if this will work on every Wireless Network or cell phone, but it works with my LG vx8600 phone. It has a slot for a MicroSD card. I purchased a Lexar MicroSD card but there are many choices. Mine came with an adapter as most card reader will not accept the MicroSD format. I have placed pics, music and the such on it. I bought a 1gig chip for under $30 at Wal Mart. The phone gives you the option to move all saved material from the phone memory to the card. I have chosen to do that.

There is a folder called "My Sounds" on the chip. I placed the custom Ringtones in that folder that i made using Sound Forge and encoding them at anywhere from 40-96kbps depending on the length of the clip. I had to redo a few of them as they were to long. You will have to place them on the MicroSD car via your card reader. So you make them and how to get them onto the phone?

There is no feature that will let you import them. So, you have to make a Pix Message and it gives you an option to attach a sound file with it. All clips have to be smaller than 200kb or they will not work. All you have to do is enter you own cell number as the recipient and and send yourself the message. The ringtone will come to your phone and it will give you the option to listen and also to save as a ring tone.

This is a picture of a MicroSD style card.

What is your opinion?

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