Next week…
We leave for vacation to Florida. I am eagerly awaiting this as I have never been to MGM Studios. I want to go and see this at night. Illuminations: Reflections of Earth as it looks wonderful and this. The Wishes™ Nighttime Spectacular. I have always loved fireworks! Pleasure Island sounds like fun for us adults!!
All in all, it looks like we are going to have a very fun and good time!! I have been to Disney in Florida before with my High School Band (jasper) and also with my family 2 other times. This will be my first time with my family. What comes around goes around as the saying goes.
Spaceship Earth Pavilion is one of my favorite rides at Epcot in Disney. I remember it well as a child. Step into the world-renowned geosphere to witness milestones in communications vital to man's survival. Ride Spaceship Earth to the further reaches of the solar system, and then visits a post-show to see your photo on the digital branches of the Network Tree.
What is your opinion?
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