Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My Truck

I put my Tacoma in the shop today to get fixed. If you remember, i got hit last week going to work. They gave me a "rent-a-car" loner to use. IT is a 2007 Ford F-150 Extended cab 4x4. It is not your usual rental. I guess they thought that i needed a truck, not really sure. i hope to have mine back by Friday.

This weekend we are going to Durham to see my Brother graduate. My Dad, Sister, Step-Mother are all flying in for the event. Due to my new work schedule, i will be able to stay Saturday night!!! It will be good to see all of them.

I am a bit jealous of my brother as he will be moving back to Austin in June. I will miss visiting with him and doing stuff as we were never able to do things like that when we were younger. On the same side, i am very happy for him to be able to go back to Austin and be a Youth Minister there. His girlfriend will also be going back to Texas...

Well, i ma out for the night. More over the next to nights as i have work.

What is your opinion?

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