Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day...

Well, i got off work this morning at 7.15am and hurried home to meet my friend Mark to go and do a quick ride.  We went to Pocahontas Park and did the Red Trial.  It is a good trial as it has many log piles and several sets of Half Pipes to go in and out of. We got there around 8:15ish and we had a tight schedule as he had to be home to get food started for the cook out this afternoon and i had to get home to sleep!   So basically we did 4 miles in about 30 minutes!!  Not bad for a 7.5 minute mile!! 
I got home a slept till 3.00pm and went to his house with my wife and daughter and several other friends and we had a good time eating and talking and visiting on the deck. I am glad that it was earlier as we are having some thunder storms this evening.  Good timing for the party.  I am going riding on Wednesday morning with mike and perhaps Jeff. I have to get my exercise in because of all the hours that i am working.  
I hope that all have a good rest of the evening...

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