Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Welcome to Innsbrook After Hours 2007

It looks like another good season at Innsbrook After Hours. The 2007 season has some good acts comming and most tickets are very reasonable. We saw some good shows there last Spring and Summer.

Featured Upcoming Concerts
Wed May 2nd: "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wed May 9th: The Derek Trucks and the Aquarium Rescue Unit
Wed May 16th: Elliott Yamin
Wed May 23rd: Dark Star Orchestra
Wed May 30th: Huey Lewis and The News
Wed June 6th: LIVE
Wed June 13th: Gin Blossoms
Wed June 20th: Doobie Brothers and Little Feat

Tell Me What You Think...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Hello my dearest RMStringer!

    Could you please pass on this message to the Orb Maillist!

    Regarding Orbus Aquarium ISO image

    How to burn this image on a Mac OSX system:

    1. Download UnRarX link: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/15272

    2. Double click on any of the RAR parts to extract the Image to any location.

    3. Now double click on The.Orb.DVD.Orbus.Aquarium.ISO file to mount it on to you desktop.

    4. If you have a Mac you probably have TOAST, if not the go here link: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/11427

    5. Start toast, choose locate VIDEO on the left pane of the menu, you will see 5 options choose VIDEO_TS Folder. Now click the Select... button and browse to the mounted ISO image and click on DVDVolume and then VIDEO_TS folder, click Choose.

    6. That's it just push the big red one bottom right corner in TOAST application ( I would burn this image at slowest speed)

    Good luck kids, next time we go to the Zoo.


    ^^ Dr. Winston O'Boogie

    Pee Ess:

    I'm working on a pretty cool cover, please check back soon Bob's Thoughts is the pulsating centre of the cyber-veerse.


4 New Tracks!! #Bandcamp

If you want to Purchase any of my music(s), Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/