Saturday, January 06, 2007

Work and Stuff...

It has been a crazy last few days at work. On day shift, it is VERY busy with lots of engineers and other personnel making adjustments to the system. I tend to like night shift better as it is more relaxed and not as busy.

I have been fighting a cold now since December 30th and I can’t seem to shake it. I woke up this morning at 4am coughing my head off; my wife got woken up from it. I have taken everything under the sun for it and it just stays with me. I hate being like this... I hope that the rest of the weekend goes well.

Another thing, the weather is freaking terrible!! One day it is cold and the next it is hot, Going home last night, it was 70 degrees!! 70 at NIGHT!!! in the first part of January!! They keep saying, they being the weather people, that we are going to get some cold soon in the next 8-10 days. I will believe it when I see it. Although, it is warmer this winter than it was last winter, all over the country. Here is our 7 day forecast. The station that we use is a very good station. Here is their link: NBC12

Well, I will post more as I find some other stuff…
L8ters and Caio

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