Sunday, January 28, 2007

Washington D.C. at night

Looking down Pennsylvania Ave toward The Capital.

This is the Washington Monument at night.

WE took a quick trip to DC last night and i got some sweet pics using out Sony Cybershot 5.1mp with a 12x optical zoom on night mode with no flash. Some turned out very nice and a few sucked, but this was really the first time for em to use the night mode like that.

Here is a Pic of the Lincoln Memorial.

Dc is about 120 miles from our house and there was a Anti-War Protest going on! The police were out in FULL FORCE!! I have never see so many cops congregated in one place at one time. Wow!! Here a few pics from last night. We had a really good time walking around to the different monuments. The temp was cool, but not freezing! and there was still snow on the ground in some paces. The reflecting pool was drained as was the pools around the WW2 memorial. as always, the Korean War Memorial was breath taking, the realism and detail on the hulking statues are amazing and in my opinion, on of the very best War Memorials in DC.

This is a pic looking back at The White House and The Washington Monument from the Jefferson Memorial across the Potomac River. The White House is just to the left of the Monument.

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