Friday, January 19, 2007

Air Safety...

Well, it seems that kids these days are a lot smarter than we were. That kid in Washington State stole a car and drove to the airport, he was 9 years old! The police brought him back to his home. The next day he went back to the airport and hopped on a Southwest plane to Arizona. He heard a page for a passenger to come and he gave them the info!! He did not even have a ticket and most amazingly, they did not ask for one. While in Phoenix, he hopped another plane to San Antonio Texas. There he was detained.

How is it in this day and time of heightened airport security, that a kid, much less a 9 year old, can get into a major airport with no ticket, lie and get on a plane?? Were the TSA guards all on break? We can’t get more than 3 ounces of liquid on, but a 9 year old kid can just waltz on it with no ticket. How asinine!! They check all of your bags and x-ray them. They ask for identification and tickets. They did not think enough to ask for a 9 year olds papers?? My daughter fly’s sometimes and we have her escorted by the airline, we pay extra for this.

On a second note, How do big name athletes expect top break the rules of flying and not get caught?? The Vic brothers from Virginia think they can. Mike Vick got detained at the airport for his "water bottle" that had weed in the bottom...What a dumbass!!! The X-RAY EVERYTHING!! HELLO...he has to fly everywhere to games. What makes him think that they would not do it that time?

Well, enough of my soapbox…
Until later.

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