Monday, May 22, 2006

Racial Diversity...

I live in the United States of America. I am an American. I am a white person. I live in Virginia. But first and foremost, i am an American. Now, we all know that America was and is a melting pot of diverse ethnic peoples. But, when they come to live in America, are they not also Americans? I do not think that it matters if you are White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, or Oriental, only that you chose to live here Legally and that you call yourself and American. Why then do we dilute our National identity by breaking it up into racially segrrated names like Asian-American, African-American, Mexican-American and so on and so forth? Do we not all live in the same land? and same Country? I my neighborhood, we are very diverse with whites, blacks, asians, indians and latinos and we all visit and do not ware Ethnic titles. SO what I am getting at is WHY do we have to dilute our country to satisfy a certain racial group? In Europe for one place, i have never heard of someone being called an Africa-European... I think that we are all American that are here LEGALY and that want a better place to live and work in PEACE. I think that is stupid for us to label and segrate OUR NATIONAL identity as Americans into Racial Nametags. In the end, it will only weaken our society and we will become no more than a Rich 3rd world country. Just my American Opinion...

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