Monday, March 27, 2006

DMA...Network...Masters...Combos...With no Fires!!!

WOW!!! What a day at work!! I learned how to make accounts with combonaions that link to different accounts. I am learning sooo much stuff that it is amazing, very intersive!! I amenjoying it thou, I feel that I have learned a huge amount of information and that I am getting a grasp of the system. The building i work at is very nice. The floor has 2 break rooms with microwaves, Fridges, sinks and coke/snack machines. Sondra tells me of her break rooms and gets jealous. I guess that, from what she says, their facilities are not as complete as ours. The security to get into the building is very TIGHT! Badge in, badge out...It is cubicle hell!! It reminds me of Office Space and there are some colorful characters their. Everyone walking around with MP3 players, and all have headphones on at their computers...So, I bring my MP3 player and listen to music as well!!
Enough for now...

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