Friday, November 21, 2008

DSC09463: Cross Macro

DSC09463: Cross Macro, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Another example at about 10'' from the object. A Silver Cross. Very selective Depth Of Field and good Bokeh.

Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 105 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC09474: Watch

DSC09474: Watch, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I used my 70-300mm lens to make this Macro photo. It has a 1:2 macro reproduction capability. This is another example of Selective Depth Of Field with good Bokeh in the photo as well. I used the back flash for this photo.

Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 300 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

DSC02497: Sun Through Palm

DSC02497: Sun Through Palm, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken with my DSC-H1 Sony Cybershot. It is a 5.1Megapixel Camera. This was taken on vacation at the Outer Banks North Carolina.

Exposure: 0.006 sec (1/160)
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 6 mm
ISO Speed: 64

DSC06350: Prairie Dog

DSC06350, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

They have a neat little town at the St Louis Zoo. We had bunches of them in Colorado around where we lived.

I love the sun on the little guy in the front and the out of focus one in the back with a nice Bokeh effect going on.

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Aperture: f/5
Focal Length: 230 mm
ISO Speed: 400

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

East Sky

Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

DSC07261: Two Flags

DSC07261: Two Flags, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

I took this while in Texas. We were at a good Mexican food restaurant and it had the flags out flying in the hot Texas sun. I love the sky and the clouds that are in the photo.

Exposure: 1/4000 sec
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 80 mm
ISO Speed: 400

DSC09245: Graffitti 1.1

DSC09245: Graffitti 1.1, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken on The Eads Bridge near the Metro Link Station on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River.

DSC09249: Graffitti 1.0

DSC09249: Graffitti 1.0, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken on The Eads Bridge near the Metro Link Station on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River.

Friday, November 14, 2008

DSC09440: Craft Alliance Series 1.3

A very close up photo of the glass balls...

It has some great Bokeh going on in this photo as well among other things. You can also see the reflections of the lights in the building.

Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 105 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: Flash fired

My Camera Stuff.

For those of you that would like to know what i shoot with, well, here my stuff is.

Sony a200
Sony Alpha 200
Quantaray 70-300 mm DI f4-5.6
Minolta 35-105
Kit Lens:

Sony H1

LGVX 8600
LGVX 8600

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Alton Illinois 1.19

Alton Illinois 1.19, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken on the Missouri side of the river near the Clark Bridge. The image is very sharp and clear. I used the Quantaray 70-300mm lens for this photo. I love the reflection of the lights in the water. You can see where the water is flowing...

Exposure: 10 sec (10)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 160 mm
ISO Speed: 100

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

DSC08800: Upside Down Welding

DSC08800: Upside Down Welding, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Because of the size of the beam that he was welding on, he had to hold his MIG welding wand upside down to complete his task.

Exposure: 0.04 sec (1/25)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Monday, November 10, 2008


Asphyxiation , originally uploaded by A Head Higher Photography.

This photo was on a group that i am an Admin for and i talked to the photographer and asked him to let me post this. It is a tasteless photo but i love it!!!

Used by permission of A Head Higher Photography

Uploaded by A Head Higher Photography on 7 Nov 08, 4.36PM CST. to the St Louis DSLR Group.

DSC09407: Street Music...

DSC09407: Street Music..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

While i was out shooting stuff on Saturday on The Loop, i saw this street musician playing. He was leaning on a vacant building so he would not get anyone mad at him.I walked over and dropped some money to him and them get my camera ready.

He was way cool about letting me photograph him and even posed for a few shots. His music sounded good and it was too bad that i did not have time to stay longer to listen to him...

The reflections in the glass are very cool of the passing cars and trucks and of the other side of Delmar BLVD.

Exposure: 0.05 sec (1/20)
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 35 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Sunday, November 09, 2008

DSC09428: Craft Alliance Series 1.14

Another photo taken at The Craft Alliance located on Delmar BLVD "The Loop" In St Louis, Mo.

Exposure: 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC09410: The Delmar Loop...

DSC09410: The Delmar Loop..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Looking and taking the photo from across the street on this intersection in The Loop. It was a very fun afternoon just walking around with my camera and a buddy. He knew the area well, so i let him act as my guide.

This tree was very prominent in the photo that i took of the Tivoli Theater. I like this shot better as the traffic light and tree with part of the theater are in the photo as well.

Exposure: 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC09422: Music

DSC09422: Music, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

The KLF: I was looking through some CDs at a music store today located in The Loop. The store is called Vintage Vinyl When all of a sudden i ran across The KLF written on a label. I was blown away firstly because i do not buy many discs and secondly because it was The KLF. They have been broken up since 1992 and i have a massive Mp3 archive of their music.

I used a "Back Flash" while taking this photo because the store was not lite well and the photo has great Depth Of Field with The KLF being in sharp focus and other labels out of focus.

Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: Flash fired

Saturday, November 08, 2008

DSC09438: Craft Alliance Series 1.5

Another in the set taken at The Craft Alliance located on The Loop in St Louis. This has some great Depth Of Field and Bokeh examples in it.

Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 105 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: Flash fired

DSC09437: Craft Alliance Series 1.6

We were walking around The Loop today and doing some urban photography when we walked inside the The Craft Alliance store and took some great photos. They had all of these glass balls hanging in the windows so i decided to get a series of photos of them. I used a "Back Flash" to make them a little brighter and got some great shots of them.

This photo has some really good Depth Of Field as there were so many of them and i love how the buildings are out of focus and the balls on either side of the center are also out of focus.

Exposure: 0.013 sec (1/80)
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: Flash fired

Friday, November 07, 2008

Come a little closer!

Come a little closer!, originally uploaded by littlebiddle.

This is an amazing photo. What more can i say other than it is used by the permission of the photographer.

Actually I think this was about as close as they could get to the bridge without getting into trouble!

Uploaded by littlebiddle on 6 Nov 08, 10.03PM CST.

In my yard...

Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.

I took this before i left for work this morning. I love the big splash of yellow that the trees have going on about them. The Sun was just rising and you can see the big contrast from the top to the bottom.I am going to take a better photo of them with my A200 this weekend before they all fall off. I think that all the nice temperate weather is gone for the rest of the year...

Winter is nearly upon us.
From RMStringer

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Type O Negative - "September Sun"

This is perhaps my second fav song on the Dead Again album.
"September sun glowing golden hair
Now keep in mind son she was never there
October�s rust bisecting black storm clouds
Only the deaf hear my silent shouts

Yet in the dark still he screams your name
Nights living death with witch rhymes insane
Ten years amassed para toda mi vida?
Lost man in time was his name Peter

September sun rotted Flatbush porch
I would have run then had I known the cost
Autumnal rays turned your eyes to stone
Did it give you pleasure to steal my soul?

Leave her alone
I said leave her alone

Me? I know why"

Type O Negative "Profit Of Doom"

" My Soul's On Fire...

Perhaps one of their best albums.

I am the profit of doom

Speak the name of He created thee all to be which should not be spoken
No laws broken

Now life and love the stars above which fall upon thee all that worship the beast
Influence ceased

My soul's on fire

My faith is an amber burning ever working towards a greater reward
Serving my Lord

Built his home upon the rock not of the flock but coming as a shepherd
Guarding his herd

My soul�s on fire!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Socialistic States? You Bet!

Well, i guess that enough smoke was blown up the asses of the Socialistic States of America to get Obama Elected.

Welcome to the new Socialistic Democratic Republic Of America. Where the rich get poorer and the poor get poorer. "Robin hood Economics" will be the norm now.

Barack 'Robin Hood' Obama and Joe 'Little John' Biden are planning to rob from the rich to give to the poor, in order to 'spread the wealth.'They want to increase taxes on those making at least $250,000, while cutting taxes for those making less than $250,000. What they neglect to tell us is that they're raising taxes on the providers of jobs, goods, services and charitable contributions on which the rest of us depend.

So, once per year we get a greater tax return, while paying higher prices for our goods and services throughout the rest of the year.

And, because of higher corporate taxes, jobs will move overseas, more American dollars will go to offshore accounts, fewer dollars will go to charitable contributions and the work force will be cut.

The American Dream will have a $250,000 ceiling. Who really wins when we stick it to the rich guy? Politicians."

They only hope is that the Demoncrats screw the public so bad that in the midterm elections the Republicans get back both houses.

May God have mercy on our country as well are going to need it.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

DSC09251: Eads Bridge 1.1

DSC09251: Eads Bridge 1.1, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

This is the Metro Link station at the East side of the Eads Bridge. I took this photo from the ground all looking crazy!

Exposure: 0.003 sec (1/400)
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC09214: Eads Bridge 1.0

DSC09214: Eads Bridge 1.0, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Crazy angle taken looking off the Eads Bridge with some of the Mississippi River in the photo.

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Election Day!!

I got out and headed to the polls at 5.40am CST They opened here at 6am.  Did you vote?  


Saturday, November 01, 2008

DSC09307: Fall Colors!

DSC09307: Fall Colors!, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

This group of trees is located near the old house that is falling down. I love the fall colors that are present. It is a pleasant sight to see when driving through all the corn fields and soybean fields.

Exposure: 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture: f/9
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC09188: Eads Bridge Metro Stop

This is under the road surface on the Eads Bridge. I was on the Illinois side of the Metro Link Station taking some great photographs today.

Exposure: 0.005 sec (1/200)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 60 mm
ISO Speed: 200

DSC09212: High or Low?

DSC09212: High or Low?, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Is it a stick or a log? You decide what it is!

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1250)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 60 mm
ISO Speed: 200