Monday, July 14, 2008

An update...

Our stuff will be here tomorrow! We have been camping at the new house since Friday so to speak. It will be nice to have it all again.
From RMStringer Posted via my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Big storm I64 West!

Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

Old Police Car...

I took this when we entered the National Mall in DC on the 4th of July. It is a really old and neat car! I was able to get a side profile shot of the police helicopter as well.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!


Friday, July 11, 2008

Rest Stop...

Taken with my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

Washington DC Buildings...

These were taken on July 4 while i was in DC for the day. Just some neat shots using my new lens, the Quantaray LD 70-300mm Super Macro.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!


Thursday, July 10, 2008


I took this in DC on July 4 using my new lens.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!


Well the loaders are here. The packers came yesterday. We slept @ home for the last time and we will be on the road at some point today. Posted via my LGVX8600 1.3Megapixel phone.
From RMStringer

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...